I'm DONE with SCHOOL FOR A MONTH! Hell yeah! I can finally start concentrating on more things than before! I haven't been updating lately because of school and other things in life.

First, I'm building a new computer all for myself! It's going to "pimp" and I can't wait to get every single and start building it. This has been taking up a part of my life for the past 2 weeks or so. I don't know why I got into it, I just dived right in. It happened during Thanksgiving week that I decided to build a computer, but I've been dreaming about it because this computer I'm on now is CRAP! That's C-R-A-P! I like to play video games and this computer won't let me so here I am sitting idlely by while kick-ass games are zooming by me. MOTHERFUCKER!

Second, my job! It's an easy job, but there's something about it that I don't like. Maybe it's the fact that I have to do something? I don't know, it's weird, but at the same time satisfying because I'm getting paid! WOOT!

Third, school! These past 2 weeks have been hell because it's the end of the semester and all my classes are in a fucking rush to get everything done. Bad part about this is that I did bad in two, possibly 3, classes. The first is my World Religion class. I had this term paper due, suppose to be 2500-3000 words, but I got caught up with building my computer that I did only what? ... 3...9...1...words! That's right 3 hundred 91 WORDS! Now if you multiply that 391 by 1000, I would have been set, but nope. It's my fault and I'll completely understand if I got a C/D in the class.

Second class I did bad in is Intro to Anthropology. Easy class, only one problem. I missed a 10 point assignment that dropped my B grade to a C! Only way to bring that up would have been to get a good grade on the last test. I did not bad, 12/15, but that's not enough because I have a 79.8 average (AAAHHHH!!!!). It's really 78.8, but somethings screwy with the gradebook thing and it's giving me one extra point (HOORAY!!).

Third and final class is...Engineering Calculus! BLAH!!!! So here's the deal, I'm majoring (read: hoping to) in Computer Science and the College of Engineering requires everyone get a B avg or higher in E.C. 1 and up (aka E.C. 2 and 3!). I took E.C. 1 my first semester of college and what a dumbass move that was. I dropped out and went to something more easier. After having spent a semester in Precalc. Algebra and Precalc. Trig and passing both classes with an A, I went back to E.C. 1. Here's how I did on my first 3 tests:

1-B -> 2-C -> 3-B

That puts me at a 2.6 avg or C. I need a B and guess what I did today! That's right took the last and final E.C. 1 test. How good I do on this test will either boost my grade or keep it the same. Hopefully I did good, but I fucked up on one question and probably will get some points taken off for something stupid on the rest of the test. Hopefully it will all equal out to a B. I don't if that is curved or not, as long as my final grade reads B, I'm happy and able to continue on my path to being a Computer Science major...that is, until I hit another road block (read: Eng. Calc. 2 and Physics 1 (Calculus based) next semester).

I think that's it for now. I'll see you guys later unless you want to Walkie-Talkie me! I have a Nextel phone and it would be fun to talk to someone who reads my blog. Here's the DC# 161*191967*3 ... Beep me!

Until then...


"Here I stand alone"

Feel tired and weird today. Listening to some metal which is like my favorite genre of music now. Not really, but I do like some songs from a few metal bands. Killswitch Engage, Shadow Falls, Cradle of Filth, and others!

Took my calculus test and boy was I scared. I feel that I did good, but somehow that good goes to bad when the paper touches my hands. It's like I feel I got atleast a B, but then when the professor gives me the paper, BOOM!, it drops to a C. When I say B, I mean an actual B, not a curved B, but an actual non-curved B. I did get a B on the first test, but it was curved. C on the second, so bleh!

Bought three games today, totaling $150+ dollars. All three are worth it so I'm happy. I got Metal Gear Solid 3: Snake Eater and Need For Speed: Underground 2 for the PS2. Also picked up Metroid Prime 2: Echoes for the GC. I was also thinking of getting Baten Kaitos, but decided at the last moment not to because it would collect dust. It's not that I won't play it, but it's a RPG game.

For any non-gamers out there, RPG stands for role-playing game. RPG games usually take people 20+ hours to finish, but that's only if they play the game straight through. Usually it takes 40-50+ hours to "complete" the game maybe even more. By complete, I mean get everything and do everything possible in the game. This is one characteristic of RPG games that make them so addicting. People will progress through the game, but stop so they could do this or find secrets. Another characteristic is character leveling. The characters in the video game starts off weak and from there, you have to build them up to become stronger and beat the bosses in the game. This can take time and sometimes be tedious (depending on the game). I was playing this game called "Disgaea: Hour of Darkness." I was progressing through the game, but stopped towards the end because I want to build up my characters and do all these other things in the game. Only problem here, is that other games started to come out and that's when I just stopped playing Disgaea. I could go back, but then I would be abandoning all these games I just bought among other things. It's CRAZY!

Gotta go eat my meatball sandwich from Subway (Eat Fresh!).

Until then...
"Killswitch Engage - Rose Of Sharyn"


My friend

My friend wants to blog so I'll let him blog on my blog. IDIOT!

I have a friend who acts, talks, and walks black. But there is only one catch to this, he is white, possible the whitest person i know. Ever on earth, his nickname is white boy that is the nickname we gave him in the group since he tries to tact black all the time. I think the reason why he acts like this is the fact he has a small genitals. I think that is the biggest reason why, i also think he acts this way because he wants girls to like him. When he talks to a girl and they laugh at him he think he is amking them laugh because he is funny and cool but the fact is that they ar laughing at him because he is white. I ask the white kid to have a contest with me and the contest is to determine wjo is whiter me or him. The reason why i want this contest is the fact that he says that iam whiter then him. I do not deny the fact that iam white i just dont think it is possible to be as white as white boy. So i hope you can all write back and convince the whiteboy to partake in this contest.


"End of everything"


The link above is to a forum (aka message board) that has pictures of a Subaru WRX damaged because the person went through a house!

Moving on...

I wanted to talk about this for awhile, but haven't had the chance. I'll walk through the campus here at USF and notice that people will park in handicap spaces even though they're not handicap. This really pisses me off and I can't stand the people who do this. There's nothing that can be done because they have a handicap permit and that's it. I just wished that there were cops right there when the person gets out or gets in their cars. This way, the person would be fined and I'll have jolly good time laughing at their dumbass self. I mean really why the fuck are you doing this when you're capable of walking? Last time I checked there was nothing wrong with walking and plus it's healthy. All this really does is create more lazy ass motherfuckers in the world. How? People will wake up later and still be on time to their destination because they have that permit. Fuckers!

Speaking of lazy ass people, I saw a commercial for microwavable biscuits! WTF?! Is America getting so lazy that people can't make biscuits? I don't mean from scratch, unless you want to, but the ones that are already premade and all you have to do is put them in the oven and voila! I just think it's sad that people can't find a way enjoy time...in their home...in the morning.

Until then...
"Keane - Somewhere Only We Know"


"Rapture tastes so sweet"

*shifty eyes*

It's Thursday and I have class at 1400 hours.

*/shifty eyes*

Just felt like blogging even though I should be studying. My cell phone died on my today only because I never charged the battery for the past 2 days. It's not my fault! Yes it is, but that's not the point. I was tired for the past two days and kept falling asleep without remembering to charge it. My fat ass friend is reading this right now and he's laughing. Dumb ass! He's not really fat, I just call him fat because he was before eating Subway (Eat Fresh!). I call my other friend Lupe because it's funny. I was working yesterday and felt like calling him Lupe. That isn't his real name, but it's fun because he hates the name.

Bush won and the world is already crumpling. Just kidding! Nice of Kerry to concede and not contest the voting because then we would have another escapade like the 2000 election. I must say one thing about the election or maybe 2. One, there was a fuck-load of people voting absentee in FL. There was like 96,000 in one county and another had 94,000. That is way to fucking much. I can understand that people don't trust the electronic voting, but damn! Second, what the hell happened to the young voters. There wasn't an increase at all in the percentage that voted in the 2000 and this election. Only 17% voted this election which is FUCKING SAD after all the pushing for younger people to vote. You had celebrities, people from both parties, and just about every media that young voters pay attention to, telling them to vote yet only 17% showed up. Pathetic!

Of course, what's even more sad is that when I start going to places, I will probably hear people complain about shit when they didn't even vote. Motherfuckers don't have the right to complain unless they voted and yes, I voted! Sons-of-bitches better not complain about anything that happens to take money from their paychecks or makes them mad. Bitches!

Until then...
"lio - Rapture (Tastes So Sweet)"


"I lie perfectly still"

What does it mean when a bumper sticker says, "Question Reality?"

I was walking to my car when I saw this and thought WTF? What is there in reality that I should be questioning and if I do then would that thing exist? Like if I question about my existent and if I'm really alive then wouldn't that be weird since I "know" that I'm alive. What about a car? If I questioned the car I'm driving then would there really be a car that I'm driving or am I just floating on air and moving along at 45 miles/hour. Should I be questioning reality? Or for that matter, should anyone question reality? If so, why? I don't see the point because then you'll be wasting your life and time instead of enjoying it like most people are. Yes?

Another note, why are people asking me who I voted for? My friends, people, and just about everyone in my life. Why? It's my vote and I don't need to reveal it to anyone, but myself. I don't ever remember people asking other people who they voted for back in 2000 or any other presidential elections before that. Motherfuckers need to leave me alone.

I also want to say that everyone needs to vote by absentee. I went to vote yesterday and I stood in line for 4 fucking hours! I was doing that whole early voting bit and that shit was gay. They tell you to go vote early, yet there's a fucking massive line and so some people don't get to vote because they don't have time. My friend is one of those people. He tried twice, but there was a long line the first time and the second time, the voting place was closed. WTF? How can a voting place be closed if it's supposed to be open so people can VOTE EARLY! Fucking bullshit!

Until then...
"Story of the Year - Dive Right In"


"I won't let this build up"

It's Tuesday the 26th of October and that means one thing. Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas is here! I'll hopefully pick it up tomorrow on my way home from work, assuming the store is open. It better be or else [a tear will come down my face]!

I picked up the Jimmy Eat World CD and feel kinda meh about it. Don't get me wrong, I'll probably like it if I keep listening to it, but when I first popped it in, it was different. Which is good, but it'll take me a while to like the CD. I'm also getting used to a song by the group Keane. I first heard the song on 'One Tree Hill' and after that I've been listening to it on Launch! and I like it. It's a good slow song that is good if you want to just relax. Of course, you would have to somewhat ignore the lyrics for it sounds like there's a relationship going on or something.

I took my Calculus test Thursday night and hopefully did good. I did every problem as best as I could and hopefully come out with an A/B. I'm hoping for the B, A would be cool, but I'll be fine with the B. I hoping for the B because I need a B in that class to satisfy a requirement to enter the College of Engineering. If not then fuck! I would be fine with a C, but any lower and I'll be mad piss at myself.

Well, I have to go and do stuff for school.

Until then...
"Slipknot - Vermillion"


"Take it away"

Just felt like blogging right now.

I "finished" typing up the paper which is good, but it's crap. It was fine at the beginning, but as the night went on, the paper just went downhill. I'm just going to turn it like it is because I have no time to change any of it. I have calculus test on Thursday and so I have to spend tonight and whatever time have tomorrow to study for it. Hopefully I'll do good and if not then at least get a C.

Until then...
"The Used - Take It Away"


"Take my money"

So...it's Monday morning and I GOT THE REN AND STIMPY DVD! It was nice to finally hold it and get joy from it. I haven't seen an episode yet, but it's 3 discs and that's it. It was in a box, of course, but nothing else came with it other than these two sheets that were worthless. The first was just a security thing to prevent people from stealing, the second was a paper about the video game awards on SpikeTV. Forgot the name of it, but yeah. I'm not sure when I'll get to watching the DVD because I know it won't be anytime this week. I'll probably won't watch until after school is over and I'm on winter break.

I still haven't gone to BestBuy to get the other two DVDs that I want, but I'll do that this Saturday. I did buy something that I didn't mention. I bought comic books. I'm probably dumb for saying that, but eh, it's something I like. I guess I can finally say something to people when they ask what's my hobby. Heh.

I'm going to be broke soon, if I don't learn how to control my passion for vidoe games. I was checking a list of when games would be released. I never take the dates on the list seriously because the dates always changing, but from what I could see, I'm going broke! I'm getting one this week that'll cost $35-$40 bucks. Next week, I'll be getting Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas and that's $50+. After that, I'll have to wait, but the games that are coming will all cost me $50+ bucks. I didn't count the number of games that I'll be buying, but it will cost me a fuck load of money.

I didn't write the paper that I said I would, but I'm going to do it today and that's no lie. I mean it. After blogging, I'll start cracking down and getting serious!

Until then...
"Papa Roach - Between Angels and Insects"


"Can't seem to fight these feelings"

So it's 2:20 AM where I'm at and felt like blogging. I told myself to type up this paper that's due Thursday, but I'm not. My internet interests has taken over my school interest. The paper isn't really due because it's optional, but I want it done so I don't have to worry about the other ones that follow because this paper will be my last. You might be wondering why I want it done now. It's not because I'm some geek (I am, but not that kind) it's just that I have a calculus test on the same day it's due. Knowing myself, I would type this paper the day before it's due, but I have to study for calc test and on top of that I have to work on Wednesday, so bleh.

On the plus side, I checked Best Buy's weekly ad and I saw that they had a sale of 2 DVDs for $20. I was even more happy when I saw that it was from a selection of horror movies. It was about 10-15 DVDs, some old (Exorcist, Psycho, Dawn of the Dead (1970)) and new (Texas Chainsaw (the new one), Freddy vs. Jason, The Ring). I'm definately picking up Texas Chainsaw and Freddy vs. Jason. I'm also picking up Evil Dead which is a part of the 2 for $20 deal, but I might pick it up alone because I'm not sure if I should also pick up The Ring with it. I liked The Ring, but heard the DVD wasn't packed with much extra. I figured if I didn't then I'd save myself $7-9 dollars, because if I just picked up 3, it would total ~$30 bucks and 4 would have me at $40+. Add on to that the fact that Jimmy Eat World is coming out with their new album this week and that's close to $50 bucks!

Booooooooo! Just checked BestBuy's weekly ad again and noticed that the Texas Chainsaw DVD also has barely any extras with it. The collector's edition of Texas Chainsaw has a whole bunch, but not the one on sale. Booooooo! Also just checked the Freddy vs. Jason and that one has all the goodies. So, I guess I just narrowed my selection to just Evil Dead, F vs. J, and Jimmy Eat World. So that's only ~$30. Sweet! I just saved myself some money. Actually I'm not really sure if I did or not because there's also another purchase that I gotta make.

This purchase involves an old school cartoon that I watched 11-12 years ago. I loved the show and it is probably my favorite show of all time. I may not remember the shows, but I would watch it when it was on. The cartoon I'm speaking of is...Ren and Stimpy! The DVD of the first 2 seasons came out on the 12th and I couldn't believe it. I just can't wait until Monday to pick it up. I have to wait until Monday because I'll be spending Sunday, hopefully, typing up the report that I was supposed to type up tonight. Knowing myself, I probably won't, but oh well!

Until then...
"Papa Roach - Broken Home"


"Rebuild what's left of this child"

I've been having a crap week so far and it only gets worst (or worse) from here on out. I had a paper due today in World Religion and it sucked. I don't think I even reached the minimum of 750 words that was required. I just remember typing it up and printing it. So that's bad, but what's better is that I have another paper to type up in the same class! Yay for me! Actually, I don't really have to type it up since it's optional, but I want to get down with writing essays in the that class so yeah.

What's even more better is the fact that the gaming world has been slow this week! What a bunch of crap. All I see is the same news over and over again (not my fault for checking every 5 seconds). Besides that I'm filled with a little joy because I'll be buying a game this Saturday or maybe Friday night. It's titled Paper Mario: The Thousand Year Door. It's for the Gamecube and supposedly it's a kick ass game. I can't wait!

Paper Mario: The Thousand-Year Door

In the music world, I got the new Chevelle CD about two weeks ago and I can't stop listening to it. When I first popped in the CD and started listening, I was hooked. That's probably the only album I've listened from start to finish and liked every track. I seriously recommend this to any Chevelle fan or rock fan. It rocks!


Until then...
"Chevelle - To Return"


Holy Fuck Balls!

Everyone check this shit out!


Don't forget to watch the video of this thing moving.

Until then...
I want one!


"I could care less"

The past few days have been exciting. I went to see two movies with my friends and that's it. That's the exciting part. The part I didn't mention is how crappy it was at the same time. The thing that got the "ball of crapness" rolling was the fact that USF lost to Southern Miss. I didn't watch the whole game, but it was crap because they lost by 7 points. The second thing that continued this rolling crapness was that my Raiders lost to the TEXANS! This made me sad to no end. I just couldn't believe that the Raiders were able to lose to the Texans and by as much as 13 points! Jesus H. Christ! That was a horrible game for them.

Of course, a bright side to this is that they have a better record than the Buccaneers or should I say Succaneers? I mean damn! Every since Gruden came on as head coach, they've just declined from what they used to be. I'll give them the fact that they were able to win the Super Bowl, but after that, complete and utter destruction. Just sad.

The final thing that crapped on the "ball of crapness" was a report that was due today. I spent most of yesterday typing it up, but it still sucked. It wasn't technically due because it was optional like every report in the class, but I felt it would be easy to type this paper up and boy was I wrong. I feel the paper wasn't bad, but the conclusion just went off the deep end. I didn't even know what the fuck I was typing by the time I finished. I just didn't care.

So, how do you fare againt my past few days? Good? Same? Worst (or is it worse)?

Until then...
"Devildriver - I Could Care Less"


"Chaos, it’s just the beginning"

Holy shit! I just shitted a brick!

The reason for this is because supposedly Mel Brooks is writing a SEQUEL for Spaceballs! For anyone who has seen the original then you'll know how funny it is!


Until then...
"Slipknot - Three Nil"


"I'm not listening, not any more"

This summary is not available. Please click here to view the post.


"Show me how defenseless you really are"

Let's see...

I watched two football games over the weekend and was happy with the end results of the two games I watched. The first one I watched was college and it was USF vs. TCU. It was a pretty good game especially for the Bulls (USF) as they were able to convert on alot of 3rd downs and keep their drive going. It went into overtime with the Bulls on top 45-44.

The second game I watched was last night and it was the Raiders vs. Bucs. For any Tampa people who watched then you'll know the score, but for everybody else, the Raiders won 30-20. Haha! Eat that you Tampons! Just kidding. It was a good game, for me, because I'm a Raiders fan living in Tampa! I just loved how the Bucs just sucked on offense and a little on defense. The offense couldn't get anything going for them until the end of the 4th quarter. It was just sad. Their defense was alright especially the run coverage, they let a few good runs go by, but that's it. Their pass defense wasn't that good compared to the run. They were letting Collins (Gannon got injured!) throw balls to 11 different people. That's just messed up. Let's talk about the Raiders. They were good on offense, being able to move the ball down field and getting 2-3 touchdowns. Their defense was good, but need to improve on the pass coverage. On a side note, Tim Brown caught his 100th TD reception in the game. It was nice to see that happen because he did play for Oakland for 16 years and dubbed "Mr. Raider."

That's it for sports and onto other stuff like what I found on the internet. The first two things have to deal with cars and hydrogen fuel. One involves BMW and the other involves Mazda. Good read if you're into cars or hydrogen fuel (tree huggers!).

BMW: http://msnbc.msn.com/id/6089614/
Mazda: http://media.ford.com/mazda/article_display.cfm?article_id=17134

The last thing I found today is a comic about Star Wars. It's about the whole Greedo shooting Han Solo thing in episode 4 or, for anyone who doesn't know, the first in the original Star Wars trilogy to be released. In the original, Greedo shot Han first and Han then fired back, but in the new DVDs that just came out, they changed to where Han and Greedo fire at the same time. Just read it and hopefully you'll find it funny.

Star Wars: http://perso.club-internet.fr/willow/Greedo_Comic/Greedo_Comic_01.htm

Until then...
"Breaking Benjamin - So Cold"


"I need to drown in flames to be free"

Just wanted to post this because I was bored and very tired. It's 9:33 AM and I'm in school. I'm also very cold because the 6th floor of the library always decides to have the A/C on all day. I also have three tests today. Okay, one's a quiz, but still tests! Anyway, I got class so I'll leave you guys with this. Any way to stay awake without coffee?

Until then...
"Fear Factory - Slave Labor"


"Pardon me while I burst into flames."

So I got a nice suprise today. My brother got a motocycle. It was fucking amazing! I was full of happiness and almost let of all my giddyness that I was holding in. I just couldn't believe that my brother got a bike and have it right there in front of my face. I just stared at that thing. I know there are other bikes around and stuff, but this is my brother and he has a bike. I couldn't believe it. I'm still thinking about it.

Until then...
"Incubus - Pardon Me"


"We want it all..with no sacrifice!"

Just saw a poll that asked people if fast food restaurants are responsible for getting people fat . I voted no, because it's the people's fault. When I saw the results, I couldn't believe that 27.3% of 1431 votes, voted yes. I don't understand how that is possible. I mean, it's all over the news that people are getting fat from eating fatty foods and yet people still believe it's McDs fault for getting them fat. Please, what a load of bullshit! How the fuck do you not know that you are putting on weight and getting fat? I mean you just don't ignore the fact that you went from skinny/medium figure to a full blown fat-ass. Jesus H. Christ! Take a look in the mirror once in a while so you know that you're getting fat. I wonder if people are blind to their looks when they finally realize that they're fat. People should see an increase in their stomach area to realize that they're getting fat and should start cutting back or start exercising. Unless, of course, they don't care because the food tastes so good and then sue the corporation because they got fat. If that's the case then may I say that I will punch everyone of those people in the face! Start using your eyes and brain and not your mouth and stomach! Dumbass!

Until then...
"Sum 41 - We're All To Blame"


"There's a time to lead and a time to follow"

I was walking to my car, at school, and noticed that alot of people like to walk at a fast pace. Maybe it's because I was walking slower than most people, but still it was evident that some people walked fast. Why? Unless you're going to be late to class or something, why walk fast? Why not enjoy the world that's around you? Time is your friend (unless you have a project/paper due) and people should learn to enjoy it. I do or at least try to. I was walking and noticed this tree, nothing special about the tree, but it just stuck out and I enjoyed just looking at it. The way the tree has its' branches sticking out in all directions and not just up like some trees. It was nice.

Until then...
"Papa Roach - Stop Looking/Start Seeing"


"It's judgement day"

Just read this and thought "That sucks donkey balls!"


Now to more important things, like why is that kid looking at me all cock-eyed?

Until then...
"Slipknot - The Opium of the People"


"I got a bad feeling about this"

Well, Hurricane Frances passed and everything's a-okay!

Upside: Schools closed :)
Downside: Mess left behind and another hurricane coming :(

Also, didn't anyone know that Hollywood is coming out with a remake of Willy Wonka and the Chocolate Factory? It's true!

Charlie and the Chocolate Factory:

Until then...
"Taking Back Sunday - A Decade Under The Influence"


"Surround me, as the rush comes"

Ever feel like just beating the living shit out of someone(s)? I do and that's what I'm feeling right now. I just want to go up to the people I hate and beat them up. I have anger and I need to release it, what better way than beating someone's ass. Of course, I have this fear that I'll go too far and won't be able to stop unless someone else is there. Oh well, I need to release some anger so fuck the person getting their ass beat. Not my fault!

Until then...
"Motorcycle - As The Rush Comes"


"Crazy, Sexy, Marvellous"

This is the greatest picture ever because it was an ad. If you do not see what's wrong with this picture. Scroll down.

Look at the window.

Until then...
"Paffendorf - Crazy Sexy Marvellous"


"I’m not the man I was before"

I think my brain has gone to mush. Why?

Becuase; that's why! No, in all seriousness, I feel this way because weird stuff happens to me. Well, not happen to me, but like I think it happened to me. Today, for instance, I was walking towards the library and I felt that either time completely stopped or I just did a quick split second pause. I don't know which, but it felt weird. I can't even remember what the hell I was doing to have caused me to pause or to have time supposedly stop. I say this, because I'm sitting here trying to think about it, but the only thing that shows up is this blurry image. I don't remember if I'd yawned or not.

I also can't remember stuff that was said to me. Last month, I was working and one of my co-workers said something to me. Now fast foward a month and here I am trying to remember who said it. I'm thinking it was this other co-worker, but it wasn't so I just kept thinking about it. I finally figured out who said it, but it still took time and some brain power.

Until then...
"Three Days Grace - Wake Up"


"jumping out the second floor"

I think I have Attention Deficit Disorder or A.D.H.D. It's one of the two, not sure which one. I say "not sure" because I've heard that ADHD is ADD for adults. It makes no sense to me, but that's what I heard. I'm sure there's more to it than that, but that's what I go by.

I think I have this because of the fact that I almost always lose my train of thought. Like today, school started and I was sitting in class listening to the teacher when I looked at the clock and thought "how much longer?" At that moment I completely lost track of what the teacher was saying and went on thinking about other stuff. The only thing I can remember from that class was some funny moments and important stuff like me getting the WRONG book.

I don't actually know if I have ADD or if I just have really crappy short-term memory. Like I remember this one time when I was going to bed that I was thinking about something and when I was thinking of that something, I completely thought of something else and lost my train of thought. I tried to remember what the hell I was thinking about, but to no avail. I then said to myself "this sucks donkey balls!"

Until then...
"My Chemical Romance - I'm Not Okay (I Promise)"


"Everything isn't meant to be okay"

Are you tired of all the same reality shows and looking for a new one? I am and that's why I love this other reality show that probably doesn't have alot of attention like the other shows on TV. It's called Manor House.

The thing about this show is that there's no money involved at all and it's more or less about the people who play these roles and seeing how they deal with it. The show is about early 20th century, around 1905-1096, and how the life back then. The producers hire people that are willing to work as house maids, footman (aka bell boy + waiter + bus boy + more), and many other low paying jobs. The producers also hired a family to play as a very rich family. Everything in the show is authentic, from the cars having to cranked up to having horses pull carriages and even everyone on the show has to dress as the people dressed back then. So you'll never see anyone wearing modern clothes even though these people have modern lives.

The house was also authentic. The really cool part is that nothing was scripted. I mean, yeah every other reality show wasn't scripted either, but this show doesn't have anyone competing against each other for a cash prize. It's all about the experience. The only thing that could be considered scripted would the fact that each person involved was given a rule book to follow so that they know what the maids, butlers, and footmans did back then instead of just doing it their way. It's a really wicked show and my favorite part so far is the fact that two females have already quitted the project. I forget to mention the fact that everyone on the show is BRITISH! except for the chef, he's french.

Until then...
Green Day - American Idiot


"I just close my eyes and I’m already there"

School is almost here. Can you feel it? I can't...no really, I can't because my body's all numb from my room being so f'ing cold.


My kind of burger! Posted by Hello


"To think you had me fooled"

Ever had to type something for someone?
I just did and it was really annoying.  I had to type a letter for my sister, only problem was that she didn't know what the fuck to say so I just sat on this chair and wondered "what the fuck?"  Just sitting and doing nothing, I started thinking about just yelling at her and telling her to come get me when she has a clue as to what she wants to say.  I probably wasted a good 30-45 minutes of doing nothing and just thinking.  Besides thinking about blowing up in her face, I also thought that I should blog about this becuase I felt mad piss and needed to get rid of this anger.  Of course, I'll never get this out of my head because I'm weird.  Fucking A! 



Isn't it amazing how nothing amazing happens in this world? All I see over the news is Bush this, Iraq that, or Mary-Kate having issues. I quit.



Band: The Killers
Title: Somebody Told Me

Breaking my back just to know your name
Seventeen tracks and I've had it with this game
I'm breaking my back just to know your name
But heaven ain't close in a place like this
Anything goes but don't blink, you might miss
'Cause heaven ain't close in a place like this
I said heaven ain't close in a place like this
Bring it back down, bring it back down tonight
Never thought I'd let a rumour ruin my moonlight

Well, somebody told me you had a boyfriend
Who looked like a girlfriend
That I had in February of last year
It's not confidential, I've got potential

Ready lets roll onto something new
Takin' it's toll and I'm leaving without you
'Cause heaven ain't close in a place like this
I said heaven ain't close in a place like this
Bring it back down, bring it back down tonight
Never thought I'd let a rumour ruin my moonlight

Well, somebody told me you had a boyfriend
Who looked like a girlfriend
That I had in February of last year
It's not confidential, I've got potential a rushin' a rushin' around

Pace yourself for me
I said maybe, baby, please
But I just don't know now
When all I wanna do is try

Well, somebody told me you had a boyfriend
Who looked like a girlfriend
That I had in February of last year
It's not confidential, I've got potential a rushin' a rushin' around

Somebody told me you had a boyfriend
Who looked like a girlfriend
That I had in February of last year
It's not confidential, I've got potential a rushin' a rushin' around



Why do people nit-pick at a movie? You go to watch it for the entertainment not to pick at it.



I need to let stuff out, but don't know how. All this bottling up over the years have finally caught up and I can't do anything about it. This sucks!



Where is Donnie?



Our government needs a no CARB diet. That means no Cheney, no Ashcroft, no Rumsfeld, and no Bush. The no CARB diet also means no Rice either.



Just found this and thought it was hilarious! If you don't see what's going on, the robber is trying to pull out a gun, but when he does, he screwed up and the gun flew into the hands of the store clerk. Now the clerk has the gun and the robber is unarmed.





Pretty Good

What do you guys reply with when someone asks you, "How are you?" I always reply with pretty good no matter how I feel. I could have a running nose and I'll still answer pretty good. Do you guys do that too or am I the only one?


Logical Fallacies

Logical Fallacies

I just found this website and thought it was neat. Enjoy!


This just in...

Ah! The feeling of summer break. I'm done with school for 4 months and it's back to the books, but before then I'll be enjoying my break. I'll be mostly working and if not that then just relaxing at home. Yay!

Until then...
-Summer Break.


This just in...

Element of Pop Culture: Pornography

Reaction #2

To continue from my first reaction, if it wasn't for Playboy then everyone would be dressing all conservatively and never experience the pleasures from sex or masturbation. Masturbation is something that everyone should be doing because there have been reports that show it may help improve health and cut the risk of cancer. As the following links show, masturbation is a good thing; link 1, link 2, link 3.

There's one thing I don't get when it comes to pornography and that's the women against it. I'm talking about women rights activist and the like. They're always preaching that women are being objectified by men, yet they know that women are also doing the exact same thing when looking at men. Women Rights activist feel that pornography is wrong and that women are degrading themselves for doing it, but what about the men? Like this reading shows, reading, there have been recent films where the male is naked, yet not one women says anything. I don't hear the women fighting for the men or saying that men are also degrading themselves. Why is that? Is it because men have been the dominate sex for most of history? I don't know the answer, but maybe these two organizations do know the answer; organization 1, organization 2.

I would like to also say that if it wasn't for Playboy and pornography, then no man or woman on this planet would have been able to see their favorite movie stars naked/half-naked. Every man would be wondering how hot Angelina Jolie looks without all the clothes and every woman would be how sexy and muscular Brad Pitt or The Rock looks. I remember seeing the movie, xXx, and when they showed Vin Diesel half-naked with all his muscles showing, every female in that theater began to shout and whistle. Now, if idea of showing half-naked men had never been discovered/thought of then there would be almost no females in that theater! If there wasn't a change on the views of sexuality then there wouldn't be men magazines like FHM, Maxim, and Stuff.

Pornography has helped to changed American society's view of sexuality. If there wasn't such a thing as pornography, then there wouldn't be shows like Sex in the City or The O.C.. There wouldn't be magazines that have sexual innuendos and have tips that could help someone have a better sex life. There also wouldn't be any knowledged and information on what is HIV/AIDS because people wouldn't have been having crazy sex and they would have never known about it. Alot of people would have died never experiencing the pleasures of sex or masturbation. I'm thankful for pornography, aren't you?

Until then...
-Masturbator's of America UNITE!
This just in...

Element of Pop Culture: Pornography

Reaction #1

Is pornography a crime that has no victims? According to this article, Link, done by Laurie Hall, it is. I agree with her, but only if the person takes pornography to an extreme. I personally believe that porn is not a crime unless the individual makes it into a crime. By this, I mean that a man or woman would neglect their relationship/marriage just for porn or to a real extreme, someone willing to kill. I haven't heard of anyone killing someone else for porn, but there's a chance that it may happen since there's those few people who have problems in the head. Anyways, Hall makes a mention of sex being linked with fear, violence, and shame if it's portrayed and viewed that way by an individual. I find this totally stupid to say and feel that she is mixing up pornography with rape. Most pornographic movies just show the couples having sex and not having anything even remotely close to violence, putting fear into an individual, and making them feel shame. I know this because I have watched porn movies myself and if an individual does feel shame then I ask, why even watch porn? Of course, if an individual does feel bad then there's always a confession booth at church. Especially if the individual was raised in a Christian house and was taught that pornography was wrong.

Pornography does not entirely draw individuals further into the realm of fantasy. Reality and fantasy does not get mixed up by just watching porn and looking at pornographic images. It's stupid to believe this and I know, because I've seen countless pornographic movies and it hasn't affected me at all. It only affects people who do that to themselves. I have friends who subscribe to Playboy, yet they aren't completely obsess at pornography or images of naked woman. I'm not saying that there isn't people out there who are obsess who porn, but for the most part, everyone who looks at pornography is sane. I believe everyone who looks at porn is sane because of how Playboy and other magazines have changed society's view on sexuality. This article, link,, points out how Playboy magazines and the like have desensitized American society from pornographic images and how it doesn't suprise most people as it did before in the 60s and 70s.

Just because everyone is unleashing their sexuality, that doesn't mean that there's a cultural decline, in a way. Yes, people manipulate other people to get what they want, it's been done in the past and is being done now, but the blame can't be all put on pornography. Pornography have given manipulation a little more push, but what about all of these magazines (Cosmopolitan) that are being printed that have headlines that read, "How to break up." Also, what about all these internet sites that have tips on how to break up with someone like this site, link, or how about giving links like this, link. This whole thing about "losing" trust is complete and utter bull****! If everyone on this planet didn't trust each other then the world would have died! How do a guy and girl go out on a date? By having trust in the other person! If there's no trust then I wouldn't be here, anybody reading this blog would be dead and the world as everyone knows it, is gone.

Until then...
-I love porn!


This just in...

Reaction: "Illusions Are Forever" by Jay Chiat

Although advertising does force-feed the people half-real truth, it does sometimes help out the average joe when it comes to important decisions. How would a guy know to buy a diamond ring when he's getting to ask his girlfriend to marry him? It may be an obvious choice in this day and age, but what about back then when there was hardly any advertising? Most men would of probably have just bought a nice looking ring that he thinks his girlfriend would love. I do agree with the fact that advertising does blur our minds on things that are important to us like a romantic date, but I think everybody, eventually, comes up with their own ideas of what a romantic date should be. Some ideas may be a combination of things that was seen on television, movies, or music, but what about the guy who took his date to the beach at night just to watch the sun rise? This is just to prove that people can come up with things that doesn't have to follow advertising and what's this thing about chat rooms?

I don't think chat rooms allow people to misrepresent themselves. I mean it does, but I'm sure that everyone on this planet has, one time or another, thought of being different/escaping from who they really are. I think the chat rooms are there for everyone to get away from the advertisements that have been clogging their minds and let them enjoy the freedom to be what they want to be. For example, a fat man or woman wouldn't have to feel bad about their weight because of advertisement since they could just go into a chat room and be the exact opposite of what they look like. Of course, by pretending they are tricking people into thinking that they're a skinny or muscular person when they're really not, but I think that people who go into chat rooms know this and tread lightly when it comes to talking to and getting to know a person they've never seen. Which is what most people should be doing, especially when it comes to reading stuff on the internet.

I think anyone can know what's real and what's not on the internet by looking at the source. Most people who go on the internet should have common sense when it comes to reading news reports that are just posted on some website. There are official sites for all aspects of the media that can be trusted like the stock market or news stations. CNN has it's own website (Website) which is a place for people to read about the world and trust the information coming from it. Although the news websites can exaggerate stories and mislead people, just like their television counterpart, it should be known to many people that they should take everything they read on the internet with a grain of salt. I do, though, agree with Chiat that the Internet will be the savior for truth because there are endless possibilities for the truth to come from.

I don't think people will ever find their own version of what truth really is because we're all being bombarded with half-real truth by the media everyday. I'm not saying it's impossible, but it would be f***ing near impossible because of the media and I feel the only real way to find personal truth would be to get rid of all media. Either that or have everyone go live in solitude and be away from the media, this would clear their minds and allow them to find their own truth.

Until then...
-I'm blind from advertising!


This just in...

Sojourner Truth Speech

I've read it and I feel nothing. It sounds like she's talking about civil/women rights and predicting what will happen in the future. She says things that are happening in this time compared to her time. Like the part about helping women into carriages, which resembles the men of today opening the car door for their women. The other part of her not being treated like a women is also true, as some women of today are being treated badly by their boyfriends/husbands. The rest of the speech just sounds like she went off on a tangent and doesn't make any sense. The third and fourth paragraphs make no sense and it makes her sound stupid. Not that she was, but from those two paragraphs it sounds like she is. She doesn't seem to understand what intellect is and how it can help, but that's probably because she hadn't heard about it and that's why she doesn't she know anything about it or maybe she does and I'm the stupid one. I also don't understand the whole thing about Christ coming from God and a woman, it just doesn't make any sense. The last paragraph has some value to it as she's saying that women will take back their freedom they had before the men dominated, which is what happened with the women's rights movement and what not. It's kind of freaky that what she says is coming true.

Until then...


This just in...

Credit for image: http://www.loc.gov/rr/main/olympics/images.html

Seeing the Big Picture
The prominent element that attracted me to this image was a man in the air with their arms spread out. This element draws me because I would like to know why the man is in that position and what is he trying to do. I see the board in the background so I'm assuming he is a swim diver and that is why they're in that position. I would say the focal point of the image is the man in the air, because there isn't alot of things going on in the image. All there is, is a man with his arms spread out and a diving board. There is also alot of spatiality in the image. I was drawn to the man first, because of what he is doing, the white background around him, and the space around him.

Observing the Characteristics of an Image
There only objects/figures in the picture are a diving board and a man. There is something in the bottom-right corner, but there's very little of it to make out what it is. The story of the image seems to about a man who just jumped off the board and is in a diving position of some sort and falling down. The background in the image is the sky and since there is only the sky, it is impossible to the place of the picture. There is alot of spatiality in the picture and it appears that the image was taken from the ground looking up. There isn't any color because the picture is in black and white.

Interpreting the Meaning of an Image
I get a feeling of excitement and fear when looking at this image. I feel excited because I wonder how cool it would be to be in that position and just fall, which is where the feeling of fear sets in. I fear that I won't hit the pool of water or the target that I'm supposed to hit and just hit concrete. The picture creates a mood of amazement or freedom, as there is only a man with his arms spread out and falling down. This creates amazement/freedom by having space created around the man and having nothing else in the picture except for the diving board, but that can be easily ignored.

Until then...


This just in...

Why don't people understand that when you tell them you don't the know the answer and for them to write down what they want as an answer, they ask you if you think that's right? I mean it's YOUR FREAKING ANSWER! I DON'T KNOW THE ANSWER! SO, JUST PUT WHAT YOU THINK THE ANSWER IS!!!!

This anger/sadness is coming from me helping my friend with his lab report for school. I told him that I didn't know the real answer to the problem and to have him write down what he feels the right answer is. What does he do? Asks me if that's what I think is the right answer. WHAT A F*****G D*****S! He then does this again for 2 more questions! WHY DON'T PEOPLE LISTEN!!!!!!!!

Until then...


This just in...

I need another spring break! Last week was a really bad week, especially since it was after spring break and this week is already starting to suck even though its Monday! Last week, I had a paper that was due today and I did the paper, but it didn't meet the requirements. Like the paper was suppose to be either 6 pages or 1500 words minimum. I had 4 pages and a total of 1,049 words. So as you can see, I was short by this much |---------------------------------------------------------------------------|.

Moving on...
This week is going to suck because I have Trig homework that is due tomorrow and the teacher hasn't even taught what the section is. So I have to do some homework that I don't even know about, if not that, then the teacher hasn't even taught anything about it. Besides that I have a test on Wed., which isn't bad, but there are just stuff on the test that I won't be able to understand by test time. This totally sucks major testicles!

Moving on...
I got the two DVDs I mentioned in my earlier post, but I didn't get them for $15 bucks. Best Buy had the Airplane DVD, but they didn't have Donnie Darko when I went so I had to get it at a different time. Both of them, bought separately was $9.99. Argh! On the plus side, I was able to buy the second CD released by a group named Eisley. They're a band from Texas that play music that is close to The Cranberries. I'm not saying that they're imitating The Cranberries, but the two groups have similar sounds in their music. So if you like The Cranberries then I suggest you give Eisley a shot.

Until then...
-By this much |-------------------------------------------------------------------|.


This just in...

I didn't turn in my polished draft for english! It was due today and I started on it last night, but after spring break got to me, I didn't feel like doing it. I was able to at least get a page done, which is good for me since the final paper is due next Monday (I think). I don't know why I didn't try to finish it. I had the chance, but I didn't take it. Weird!

Moving on...
School's back and there's only about a month and a half left of it. It's going to suck, obviously, but I'll be glad when I'm done with this semester. Hopefully I'll pass all my classes with a B average or above. The above probably won't happen, but it's cool because I'm getting two DVDs for $15 and their new! Best Buy has a list of DVDs where if you buy two of them then it's only $15 bucks. I'm getting the Airplane DVD and the Donnie Darko DVD. Hopefully everyone has heard of Airplane. It's a comedy movie that's funny. Here's a link to a site that has a review of the movie and some sound clips: Click Me!.

The other DVD, Donnie Darko, is suppose to a good movie. I haven't seen it, but my friend told me that it's an awesome movie. I think I'll agree based on the fact that the main character in the movie hallucinates an image of a bunny. The bunny isn't a cute bunny, but a bunny. Here's a link to see what Donnie Darko is about Click Me!

Until then...
-Donnie Darko!


This just in...

Spring break is almost over and that means my paper is almost due! Well it's not the final paper, but a rough draft. And I still haven't done anything for the paper.

Moving on...
I watched a video of The Tempest to see how Ariel was portrayed and "it" was portrayed as a male. The person wasn't wearing any clothing except for a thong. I say thong because the back isn't covered up like it would be with an underwear. He's also wearing a wig, I think; not sure if it really is a wig, but just saying because he has white curled hair for a person who looks to be about in his 20s. It also looks like he is covered in some kind of make-up because his body looks orange/brown. Maybe he was sprayed with something. That's as far as I got with the movie before falling in and out of sleep. So, I just stopped and will watch the rest of it today.

Until then...
-School is about to start!


This just in...

I hate my web server! I was using a web server to host my blog, but for some reason it f****d up and now I have to use blogspot. Stupid web server!

Moving on...
It's SPRING BREAK, but I have a paper due so no break for me. I also have a two tests after the break so I'll also be studying for those two during spring break. This SUCKS!

Moving on...
YOU'RE GOING TO LOST CONTROL OF YOUR TELEVISION! Okay, maybe not, but there's still a good chance accroding to this article titled Losing Control of Your TV. I suggest everyone to read it, especially people who like to record TV shows with their VCR.

Until then...


This just in...

That is my reaction to the conclusion of Average Joe 2. If you didn't see what happened, Larissa, the girl, chose the "hunk" over the "joe." She then told the "hunk" a secret she had and that secret was...that she once dated Fabio. Hearing of this, the "hunk" gets all angry and leaves her. Which leads me back to my laughing expression because now she's lonely and she has no guy.

Moving on...
I'm having a difficult time with my Composition II paper. I'm doing my paper on Ariel's gender. Ariel is the spirit from The Tempest. I don't know how to really approach the topic and I'm getting all confused . I'll find a way out of this confusion.

Moving on...
There's a brand new GTA (Grand Theft Auto) coming out this October for the PlayStation2. Hopefully it'll be a good game like the last two were. I'm happy!


This just in...

I was reading an article in Maxim that's about a group called ELF. ELF stands for Earth Liberation Front and they're called "ecoterrorists." They're all about sabotaging big corporations for destroying the earth. They're like environmentalist or tree huggers, but farther down the scale. They will destroy set arsons or burn things to prove their point. The article mentioned that ELF went to a Hummer dealership and set a few Hummers on fire. This is funny because the next day, the owner of the dealership sold two hummers. Ha ha!

The thing I don't get about ELF is that they're willing to burn down the world just to prove their point. This makes absolutely no sense whatsoever! I mean, they're trying to save the Earth yet they're willing to set hummers on fire and release all the smoke and gases that come from it. I think this group deserves a WTF!? WTF means W(hat) T(he) F(**k)! I think they just need some loving.

Until then...
ELF deserves a WTF!?


This just in...

I ARE TEH WINNAR! Why? Because I was able to stump my english professor for a moment. Ha ha!

Moving on...
It's been a crazy week. I had two tests today and I don't know if I did good on them. I have to start researching for my english project and come up with questions. I was suppose to blog about either Prospero, Miranda, or Ariel from the Tempest last week, but I didn't realize this until I checked my class website. I'm SLOW! So I guess that makes me a slow winnar.

Moving on...
I don't know what to really do my english project on. It has to do something with 'The Tempest' but I don't know which one I want to do. My first choice is to see what is Ariel's sexuality. Like if Ariel is really a male or female. My second choice is to look at Prospero as a play writer. I like the Ariel topic better, but I don't think I would be able to support my thesis or find enough info on this topic. AARRGGHH!!

Until then...


This just in...

I just found this and thought it was funny!

1. Verbs has to agree with their subjects.

2. Prepositions are not words to end sentences with.

3. And don't start a sentence with a conjunction.

4. It is wrong to ever split an infinitive.

5. Avoid cliches like the plague. (They're old hat).

6. Always avoid annoying alliteration.

7. Be more or less specific.

8. Parenthetical remarks (however relevant) are (usually) unnecessary.

9. Also, too, never, ever use repetitive redundancies.

10. No sentence fragments. No comma splices, run-ons are bad too.

11. Contractions aren't helpful and shouldn't be used.

12. Foreign words and phrases are not apropos.

13. Do not be redundant; do not use more words than necessary; it's highly superfluous.

14. One should never generalize.

15. Comparisons are as bad as cliches.

16. Don't use no double negatives.

17. Eschew ampersands & abbreviations, etc.

18. One-word sentences? Eliminate.

19. Analogies in writing are like feathers on a snake.

20. The passive voice is to be ignored.

21. Eliminate commas, that are, not necessary. Parenthetical words however should be enclosed in commas.

22. Never use a big word when a diminutive one would suffice.

23. Kill all exclamation points!!!!

24. Use words correctly, irregardless of how others use them.

25. Understatement is probably not the best way to propose earth shattering ideas.

26. Use the apostrophe in it's proper place and omit it when its not needed.

27. As Ralph Waldo Emerson said, "I hate quotations. Tell me what you know."

28. If you've heard it once, you've heard it a thousand times: resist hyperbole; not one writer in a million can use it correctly.

29. Puns are for children, not groan readers.

30. Go around the barn at high noon to avoid colloquialisms.

31. Even if a mixed metaphor sings, it should be derailed.

32. Who needs rhetorical questions?

33. Exaggeration is a million times worse than understatement.

34. Proofread carefully to see if you any words out.

Until then...
-Did you get it?


This just in...

I don't know what to do for my english paper. That sounded weird. Oh well, I have this english paper that has to be about the book 'The Tempest' by William Shakespeare (b*****d!). It isn't about the book, but about stuff in the book. I'm suppose to come up with topics, but I don't know of any good topics. My professor gave the class some ideas to choose from and I like one of them, but I don't know if I want to do that one. I was thinking of doing something that involves Ariel and whether the spirit is a guy or a girl. I read some people say Ariel is a guy because of the way Prospero refers to "it", but then I read some people say Ariel is a girl because...because...I forgot . It doesn't matter because if I do do that topic then I'll research it.

I'm also thinking about doing something on Caliban like how he can be a non-sensitive character, but then have a line or saying that changes how people look at him. My professor mentioned something about this which is what got me to think about doing this topic. I was also thinking of cross-referencing Caliban with other characters in Shakespeare's plays to see if there are any similarities and differences. But this would take too much work as I haven't read that many plays by Shakespeare. The only ones I've read are The Tempest, Romeo and Juliet, and that's it, I think. I was suppose to read Much Ado About Nothing my senior year of high school, but my teacher never had the time to assign it. So that's it.

Until then...
-Shakespeare (B*****D!).


This just in...


In other parts of my head...
It isn't possible to compare drowning with drugs! I saw a commercial that shows one person drowning and another person standing on a pier, in front of the person drowning. The person standing isn't doing anything, but watching the person drown even though they're calling for help. The commercial then goes on to say "Wouldn't you help a friend in need." It then shows the word 'friendship' and under friendship are the words 'The Anti-Drug'. This commercial is f***ing retarded.

It isn't possible to compare drowning and drugs because everyone knows that if their friend is drowning then they'll go save them or get help. For drugs though, a friend can get their friends help, but that won't always stop the friend from doing drugs or drinking alcohol. What a f***ing stupid commercial!

Until then...


This just in...

Bowling for Columbine is a great movie. I liked it very much. I thought Michael Moore brought up good points throughout the movie and it got me wondering why America is so different from other countries when it comes to guns and death. What makes American kill more people than any other country? Some people say it's because of the entertainment children are being exposed to like rock music or video games. I remember hearing clips of different people saying Marilyn Manson. How is it Manson's fault that kids go on killing sprees? It's not like he is saying to go out and shoot people or blow up buildings. He's just an easy target for people to blame and so are video games and violent entertainment.

Some people say it's because of the history that America has, but what about Germany and Hitler? Hitler killed 6 million Jews, yet the the gun death rates are low compared to the U.S. It's CRAZY!!

I say the reason for this is the media. The media is constantly giving us bad news that is happening around the country or in our state. They aren't giving us news about a new speed bump that was just put in at Main St. or telling us something that would be important to our area. They (the media) would give us only what they want us to hear and not the whole story. It's CRAZY!!

Until then...
-It's CRAZY!!!


This just in...


That's right, I'm studying for a test that is on Monday. I wouldn't really call it studying, I'm reading the chapter that the test is going to be over. I started earlier this week on Monday by reading 5 sections then on Wednesday, I read another 5 sections and now it's Friday and I'm reading the last 6 sections. I have one section left to go, but meh, I prefer to blog right now. It's weird really because I feel that I will pass the test even though I haven't done any studying for it.

In other parts of my head...
I have a quiz on Monday for my English II class. It's over notes that the professor gave and I'm probably going to procrastinate on studying the notes until it's Monday morning. When I mean morning, I mean 30 minutes before the class starts. I'd probably get an F either way so, meh. The notes are over stuff about comedy like old, new, festive, tragicomedy, and other things that are related, in some way, to Shakespeare (that b*****d!).

That's enough from me.

Until then...
-Eat eggs and cheese.


This just in...

To continue on with my thoughts about the 14-year old girl being accepted to a Ph.D. program at Drexel University. I would assume that she's doing this to further her knowledge and help out the world of technology. What I don't get is why do it at the age of 14? Why not spend some time with friends? Maybe go and do something that interests her unless she has already done everything that interests her, which would make me blow a gasket like this:

Of course I wouldn't burn up like that, unless I can?
So, she's 14 and entering a Ph.D. program. I would think that if you're that smart then you would maybe just take it easy with life. I know I would, but that's me and everyone's different. How will she have a family or a life if she's going to be a doctor at only the age of maybe 18? That is nuts and I just can't imagine. Maybe I can't imagine it because I'm super-piss at people like her who are able to cruise through school while I bust my butt just to barely make a passing grade. Anyways, it's her choice and I hope she enjoys it and if not then like Patricia said:

she'll end up psycho.

Either way enjoy it!

Until then...
-I peed my pants!


This just in...

I'm one hell of a unproductive person. It kind of sucks really, but what do you expect from Teh Procrastinator?

Anyways, that's my life and now to move on to other stuff.

I finished my two scene summaries for The Tempest. It wasn't as bad as I thought it would be, but it sure did bore the crap out of me. Besides having been bored, I read an article about a 14-year old girl who got accepted into a Ph.D. program at Drexel University. Now, why the f**k would she want to be there at the age of 14? I know that's her choice, but doesn't she want to be around friends or does she have any? In any case, I'll continue more of my thoughts on this and the article can be found by clicking on the link.

Also, I've changed my blog to only show one post at a time, so look at the archives for any previous posts.

Until then...
-I procrastinate!


This just in...

My scene summary of Act 5 Scene 1.

Prospero has a conversation with Ariel that leads him to have Ariel bring to him Alonso, Gonzalo, and Sebastian. Alonso, Gonzalo, and Sebastian are forgiven by Prospero for all the bad things they have done to him. Prospero then has Ariel take off his magic robe to show the real Duke of Milan to Alonso, Gonzalo, and Sebastian. Alonso doesn't believe this and a conversation ensues. Prospero then has Ferdinand and Miranda show up in front of all four people. The Master and Boatswain then enter and says that their ships are fixed, but they don't know how even though it was Ariel who did it. Ariel then goes away and brings back Stephano, Trinculo, and Caliban. Prospero then explains, to eveyrone, what the three were trying to do earlier to him. Prospero forgives Caliban and sends him away and Alonso tells Stephano and Trinculo to give back the wardrobe. Prospero then sends everyone to his cell so they can get some sleep and freed Ariel.

Until then...
-Teh End!
This just in...

My scene summary for Act 4 Scene 1. Yay!

Before Prospero's cell: Prospero says that he will give Miranda away to Ferdinand and that he can marry her, but if Ferdinand has sex with Miranda before marriage then hate will fall on Ferdinand. Prospero then calls on his servant Ariel and have some spirits perform in front of him, Ferdinand, and Miranda. Prospero then changes his mind and begins to think about Caliban. As Stephano, Caliban, and Trinculo enter before the cell, Prospero and Ariel are there too, but they're invisible and listening to the conversation. The three talk about killing Prospero, but before they do, Stephano and Trinculo steals Prospero's wardrobe, but Caliban doesn't take part in the stealing. Spirits then enter, shaped like dogs and chasing Stephano, Caliban, and Trinculo away and then capturing them.

Until then...
-1 down, 1 more to go!
This just in...

It's been a week since I blogged and I'm suppose to blog 3-4 times a week. So I have some catching up to do, but that's okay I had Subway. I'm also suppose to blog about Acts 4 and 5 of The Tempest by Shakespeare. I haven't even read any of it and I'm pretty screwed unless I have some super psychic powers that will allow me to look at one word and boom! I have read the entire book or I could try to make myself have osmosis that way I'll just lay my head on the book and I'm done. None of that is happening which sucks, but it's all gravy. I'll find a way to make it work, I hope. I'll also find a way to catch up to my blogging by posting two posts that are about Acts 4 and 5, another two posts about movies, and some stuff that I found on the internet that aren't about nothing. I think that's it for now, so excuse me while I procrastinate and play video games.

Until then...
-Procrastinate NOW!


This just in...

It's Friday and that means no relaxation whatsoever. I have homework for Comp. II, but it's easy, I think. I could tomorrow or tonight, but tonight ain't happening. I can't do it Sunday because I'm going with my friends to their friends house for a Super Bowl BBQ. So, my weekend is full and I don't think I have time for relaxation unless of course I feel like not turning in work at all.

In other news, I just watched at movie titled "Ran." It's pronounced Ron (like the name) and not ran. It's directed by Akira Kurosawa, who also directed "The Seven Samurai" and many more foreign films, and the movie is Kurosawa's reinterpretation of Shakespeare's King Lear. So, for anyone who has read King Lear then you should get the idea of what this movie is about, if not read on. Instead of being set in Europe, it's set in 16th century Japan and Lord Hideotora wants to step down and divide his land to his three sons. The two older sons, Taro and Jiro, flatters their father, but the youngest, Saburo, speaks the truth to his father because he loves him and gets disowned. Taro and Jiro starts to take over the land and get rid of any power their father has left. This leads to Hideotora being driven out of both castles that his sons occupy.

Meanwhile, Saburo is in alliance with Lord Fujimaki and has sent a spy to make sure his father is protected. There's this huge battle where the two older sons gang up on their father and kills every warrior that's protecting their father, but Taro dies in the battle. Realizing what's happening, Hideotora tries to kill himself, but can't and this leads him to go insane and roam the lands of Japan with his loyal vassal following him. Jiro is now the sole ruler of the land that his father once owned and is living in the castle that Taro had just been living in. Taro's wife, Lady Kaede, is now seducing Jiro, who is already married, to be her husband because her family once owned the same castle, but they were killed and now she wants vegenance. She wants to be the wife of Jiro, but can't because of his other wife, Sue, so this leads to Lady Kaede controlling Jiro and telling him to have Sue killed. Jiro tells Kurogane, a general, to do the job and he comes back with this wrapped ball-shape object. When Lady Kaede unwraps the object, it reveals to be a head of a wolf statue covered in salt. This is a funny scene that has to be watched.

Meanwhile, the spy that was sent by Saburo goes and tells Saburo about his father's conditions. This leads to a search that gets the attention of Jiro. Jiro prepares for battle while his generals are advising against it, he doesn't listen and before he leaves Lady Kaede wants to talk to him. She controls/seduces him to kill his father by having assasins follow Saburo when he goes and search for his father. At the battle scene, Saburo is there waiting till dark to go search for his father, but Hideotora's vassal lost him and this leads to Saburo having to leave in the day and Jiro sending his men after him. A battle ensues between Jiro's men and Saburo's men with two other armies watching the battle. One army who's lead by Lord Ayabe, a friend of Lord Hideotora, and the other by Lord Fujimaki, another friend of Lord Hideotora. Both of these lords also want to own the land. A messenger from Jiro's castle tells him that Lord Ayabe is moving towards his castle, but that's impossible because Ayabe's troops are watching the battle or are they? The troops are a DECOY and Jiro falls back to his castle. Kurogane knows that this was the doing of Lady Kaede so he confronts her and she reveals her plan of wanting to burn the castle down and destroying the Ichimonji's (last name of Hideotora, Taro, Jiro, and Saburo) kingdom. This is a f**king cool scene that shows Kurogane silicing Lady Kaede and the blood just shoots out and covers the wall behind her in red.

While all of that is happening, Saburo finds his father, but is killed by Jiro's men, which leads to death of the father. In the end, there's another battle that isn't big, but it leads to the death of Jiro. I really enjoyed the movie because there were twists, a nice plot, a gory scene, good acting, couple of funny scenes, and best of all...it contained SAMURAIS!

I suggest everyone watch this movie.

Until then...
-I'm happy!


This just in...

A white boy is kicked out of school for putting up posters that asks for support of him to receive the school's "Distinguished African-American Student" award. Here's the kicker, he's from South Africa! That makes him a African-American, but of course he gets denied because it's suppose to be only for "African-Americans" aka black students. What a bunch of s**t that he can't get the award even though it's for African-American students. I mean if they wanted the award to go to black students then why not use the word black or negro.

In other news, a man goes on a "McDiet" which consists of eating McDonalds food 3 times a day for 30 days. The results, a really f***ked up body. His liver was like paste and his face got all f**ked up.

In other other news, teens who were sued by the RIAA are going to appear in a Pepsi commercial that will be aired during the Super Bowl. It's to promote a two month offer of up to 100 million free and legal music download from Apple's iTunes.

Now to report some disturbing news. In Japan, children who gets good grades are allowed to have sex with their mothers. Not sex sex, but oral sex and if not that then just nudity. Not every family does this, but there are a few families that does this. It's quite disturbing really, I don't know how any mother can do that, but hey it's their choice. I'll leave it at that and if you have time, read the article.

Links for all of the stories posted can be found on the right side of the page under the "Article" heading.

Until then...
-I'm Disturbed.


This just in...

I have three tests this week that are back to back. I had my Chemistry test this morning. It wasn't a hard test, but I didn't get a 100%. I have my Precalculus Trigonometry test tomorrow, which is what I'm studying for right now. Well not right now since I'm blogging, but after I finish blogging. I then have my Precalculus Algebra test on Wednesday, which is no fun because I have to study. Blah. I will then be finished with the tests for this week, of course I have a quiz on Friday for my english class and it'll be over a reading titled "Logic Fallacies" or something close to that. I also have to start researching my topic for the next project in english. Wow, this week just sucks right now. If I'm not doing this then I'm doing this. Blah. I also have to turn in this current event paper to my Chemistry teacher by the 30th. I think that's it for now, I think.

Until then...


This just in...

A Canandian man was able to patent a way of making hydrogen fuel. This pisses me off because the man never graduated from high school and now he might become a freaking millionaire or possibly billionaire. I just hate how people are able to stumble upon ideas, become millionaires, and not even graduate from high school or college.

To read the story, click on the link "Hydrogen Fuel" under the Article heading that is on the right.

Until then...
-I am mad!


It's Thursday and that means that I have one more day of classes! Of course one of them is Composition II and I have report that is due...tomorrow. I finished most of it, just have to add a few things and I'm done. I can then rejoice in knowing that I don't have another report for a few weeks. :)

I would like to point out an article I read about Microsoft suing a person who's name sounds like Microsoft. It's titled Mikerowesoft under the article heading. I think the person is trying to get some money out of MS, even though he's trying to keep his domain. I think this because of how he wants $10,000 to give up the name. Why not just ask for $5,000 or $1,000? Why $10,000? It will be something that I will never understand and I mean NEVER!

In more important news, I finally added a comment to my blog coutesy of CommentThis! I've also started adding other people's blog to my site because my teacher said we should. We didn't have to, but it was suggested. So, whatever. I'm done.

Until then...
-I like the mooing of cows!


I'm back and still feeling like sh*t.

So I emailed my teacher asking about what I should do with the QS that I mentioned in the post below. Here's her response:

Yes, that would be all you have to go on. If you have no experiences
relevant to stem cell research, consider whether that is an appropriate
topic for you. What's your field of study? If it's not relevant to your
chosen field, why bother? The other topic sounds like it might be more

I know that stem cell research isn't even remotely close to my field of study (Computer Science), but I still think it would be something cool to research on and take a stand on it. I might just forget the idea since there are probably better things to take a stand on that is related to my field of study. I don't know what, but they're out there. I might do it on violence in video games, but there's a chance of my feelings getting mixed into the paper and that's not a good i-freaking-dea. Anyways, I'm off to go do some research, finish a certain english paper, and do some homework for my other classes.

Until then...
-I like goats!
I feel like sh*t. I don't know what I'm doing right now and my brain is all f***ed. I have all this stuff for Composition II that I just don't want to do at all. I have to do a Question Strategy for a topic of my choice. I'm torn between violence in video games and stem cell research. I like video games alot and I feel that the violence in video games don't lead to violence in real-life. On the other hand, I think stem cell is interesting and it could be a nice topic to do research on. The problem I have with stem cell research is that I haven't had any experience with it and I don't know what I would put under the 'Experience' header for the QS. You see the QS is broken down into 4 catergories: you have Experience, Values, Cultural Influences, and Dissonance.

I'll post more later when I don't feel like sh*t.

Until then...
-I like cheese!


This just in...

I'm tired and mad because my first blog that I signed up for won't let me log in. I don't know why, but it just won't. Maybe it's because I didn't type in the right password, if that's the case then I must have changed my password when I wasn't awake. That or I don't remember the real password. Whatever the case may be, I have a new one now and I hope that it is alot better than my first one. Besides being mad, I'm also tired because I was fiddling around with this new one and trying to get it to work with my FTP server. It was a long and difficult process, but I was happy when I got everything working. Hopefully I don't run into anymore problems or I will snap.

Until then...
-I'm tired.