"Here I stand alone"

Feel tired and weird today. Listening to some metal which is like my favorite genre of music now. Not really, but I do like some songs from a few metal bands. Killswitch Engage, Shadow Falls, Cradle of Filth, and others!

Took my calculus test and boy was I scared. I feel that I did good, but somehow that good goes to bad when the paper touches my hands. It's like I feel I got atleast a B, but then when the professor gives me the paper, BOOM!, it drops to a C. When I say B, I mean an actual B, not a curved B, but an actual non-curved B. I did get a B on the first test, but it was curved. C on the second, so bleh!

Bought three games today, totaling $150+ dollars. All three are worth it so I'm happy. I got Metal Gear Solid 3: Snake Eater and Need For Speed: Underground 2 for the PS2. Also picked up Metroid Prime 2: Echoes for the GC. I was also thinking of getting Baten Kaitos, but decided at the last moment not to because it would collect dust. It's not that I won't play it, but it's a RPG game.

For any non-gamers out there, RPG stands for role-playing game. RPG games usually take people 20+ hours to finish, but that's only if they play the game straight through. Usually it takes 40-50+ hours to "complete" the game maybe even more. By complete, I mean get everything and do everything possible in the game. This is one characteristic of RPG games that make them so addicting. People will progress through the game, but stop so they could do this or find secrets. Another characteristic is character leveling. The characters in the video game starts off weak and from there, you have to build them up to become stronger and beat the bosses in the game. This can take time and sometimes be tedious (depending on the game). I was playing this game called "Disgaea: Hour of Darkness." I was progressing through the game, but stopped towards the end because I want to build up my characters and do all these other things in the game. Only problem here, is that other games started to come out and that's when I just stopped playing Disgaea. I could go back, but then I would be abandoning all these games I just bought among other things. It's CRAZY!

Gotta go eat my meatball sandwich from Subway (Eat Fresh!).

Until then...
"Killswitch Engage - Rose Of Sharyn"

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