And now...

It's time for a song!

Everywhere I go, I'm thinking of you, Rebecca.
I don't know what to do, Rebecca.
You're so nice, I'd like to get to know you better.
So what do you say we get together.
You really are quite good looking, Rebecca.
You really are quite good looking, Rebecca.
Rebecca, you're really quite good looking.
You're a fox!

Until then...
-Kyle (313 - Hooked on Monkey Phonics)




Until then...


BACK! Which can't be spelt without ACK!

This morning royally sucked. I woke up late, got to school late, got a crappy parking spot, and lost $2 dollars to a vending machine. Great way to start the day.

It all began with me leaving my house late. I usually leave around 7, but today, I was 15 minutes late. Which wouldn't be a problem, IF it wasn't for the traffic jam that I experienced on my way to school. I live right by a high school and I have to pass it to get to USF. Normally, this wouldn't be a problem because everybody would be in the right lane trying to enter the school before it started and I would be in the left. But for some reason, today, traffic was BACKED the FUCK UP. It didn't matter what lane you were in, it was just backed. Except for the center lane. Not sure why, but that lane was able to move, unlike the left lane (which I was in). And I don't mean move as in the lane didn't have any kind of jam, but had I been in it, I would be WAY ahead of where I was in the left lane. Anyway, I finally get to school and there's no parking spots!!! Or atleast, where I normally park. This really pissed me off. I mean it completely packed with all these cars that I've never seen before at this time (8 AM, by the way) and I was completely shocked. Reason being because I came to school once at around 8:30AM and there was parking everywhere. Now, for some reason, it's packed!? Bullshit!!! Even the Parking Monitor people didn't believe it. They were out patroling the lot to make every car had a permit. It's probably because of Spring Break coming next week and everybody having mid-terms this week. Can't wait to see how the lot looks today in the afternoon.

Anyway, I go up to a vending machine and put in $2 so I can buy a Full Throttle. It takes my $2 dollars and has a memory blackout. I pushed ALL of the buttons and the machine did SHIT! It just sat there and kept repeating to insert $2 dollars. I pushed the button for refund...NOTHING!!!!!! >:(
Machine: 1 Me: 0

Until then...
-I'll finish my "To Be Continued" post with my next post. Gotta study for mid-term.


Chicken and Watermelon

Update on life...........................iiiiittttttt sucks! As usual, for me anyway. Half-way through the semester and I want to drop out. This is one crappy semester and I can ONLY IMAGINE that it will get worse(or worst?) later on. This semester has made me think about my college path. Why do I want to go into Computer Science? Because I FUCKING SUCK at programming. More on this later, got class!

To be continued...*DUN*DUN*DUN*

Until then...
-Chicken and gibblets are over there. These are vegetables.