This just in...

My scene summary for Act 4 Scene 1. Yay!

Before Prospero's cell: Prospero says that he will give Miranda away to Ferdinand and that he can marry her, but if Ferdinand has sex with Miranda before marriage then hate will fall on Ferdinand. Prospero then calls on his servant Ariel and have some spirits perform in front of him, Ferdinand, and Miranda. Prospero then changes his mind and begins to think about Caliban. As Stephano, Caliban, and Trinculo enter before the cell, Prospero and Ariel are there too, but they're invisible and listening to the conversation. The three talk about killing Prospero, but before they do, Stephano and Trinculo steals Prospero's wardrobe, but Caliban doesn't take part in the stealing. Spirits then enter, shaped like dogs and chasing Stephano, Caliban, and Trinculo away and then capturing them.

Until then...
-1 down, 1 more to go!

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