"You're Breaking My Balls!"


School started and it sucks! I'm only taking 3 classes and they all suck. Stupid school. I need to get rich and quit (I kid, I kid; only on the quitting part).

I'm losing interest in everything I used to like. Or maybe I'm growing up? It better not be the latter, if so, then I'm listening to Toys 'R Us theme song. I like video games and always found time for them. Now, I have no time for them. Must be school and not me growing up. Yes, that's it! I'm not in denial, you're just a liar!

Saw Hoodwinked a few hours ago. Wasn't bad, but could've been alot better. If they had spent more time on the jokes as they did with the story then the movie would've been good. There were alot of opportunities for funny parts, but nothing happened. Only a few giggles here and there and not much else.

One last thing. Thanks Juicy Fruiter for the comment. Checked out your site and it made me buy a pack of Juicy Fruit gum. Hehe.

Until then...
-"My balls are breaking."


Man dow....er....Year down!

One year is down and another one starts. What does this new one bring with it? Death? Miracles? Crazy Stuff? What damn it, what!!!!!!!!!! Hopefully something good for everyone.

I don't make resolutions, but there is something that I would like to make myself do. FINISH ALL MY VIDEO GAMES!!!!!!!!!!!! I have a stack of video games to finish that I don't think will ever happen. Reason being, is because some of them are RPGs. I already talked about them in one of my previous post and they take forever to finish. Well not forever, but they will for me because I do stuff that make me lose track or just stop playing them entirely. It's really annoying...REALLY!

School is starting soon. And guess what! My books are going to cost me ~$300 dollars! That's if I even buy them used! Funny part!? It's only THREE books! That's right...THREE! Another funny part. I won't get shit for them if I TRY to sell them. I say 'TRY' because the books could become obsolete after this semester which makes the books useless or the store won't give me any money for it. I know that's how the system works with school books, but DAMN IT! This isn't no RPG game, this is real life, give me my MONEY! ASS!

Saw Wolf Creek tonight. Not bad, could've been better. Those two chicks are hot! Well, at least the one with the big boobs!

Until then...
-Come on 2007!

P.S. Thanks go out to Scott of VGCats for drawing a comic with a picture in it that I used as my profile pic. Never asked him if I could use it, but I loved that pic and decided to steal it. Sorry Scott if that pisses you off. Let me know if it does. Not that I care. I kid, I kid.