Uh oh...

Halo movie put on hiatus!

That's not good.

Until then...
-Boo! :(



Art Book: This 48 page book details the artwork of every game in the Castlevania series and features an embossed cover.

20th Anniversary Soundtrack CD:
Spanning 20 years of music that has defined the Castlevania series, this soundtrack contains songs from nearly every Castlevania game ever made, including four never before released tracks from Castlevania: Portrait of Ruin.

Stylus and DS Game Case:
Extendable stylus and transparent game case are both emblazoned with the Castlevania logo.

Timeline Poster:
Detailing key events and characters in the history of Castlevania, this fold-out poster features a timeline on the front and a Castlevania: Portrait of Ruin poster on the back.


Until then...
-They suck!


People can't read AND...

Halo just lost it's studio backing! :0

Not that the general public really cares about the Halo movie. Only fans of the video game will care, but Bungie (company who created the Halo games) will still move foward with the pre-production part of it. This movie doesn't make sense to me because there appears to be alot of story that has to be told and I don't think one movie will cover it all. I mean the video games had a storyline, but everyone and their mom agreed that it was weak. Especially with the ending in Halo 2. To even get the whole story of Halo, you would have to read the books and also play the games. There is even a "bible" that Bungie uses to cross-check their stories. Now that's something. Of course, you could just go here and get all the information you need. The thing that really bugs me is how they're going to make Master Chief look. He was a mute in both video games and I don't see how you're going to make a movie with the hero being a mute. Or better yet, how would the fans feel to hear Master Chief speak? Everyone has their imagination of what the Master Chief should sound when speaking, but would fans be able to sit through the movie even if they don't like the voice?

Jon Polito is supposedly chosen as the person who will play Master Chief. With this choice, I'm wonderng if he is just doing the voice like James Earl Jones did with Darth Vader in the Star Wars trilogy. Or is he going to be also acting in the suit? I mean he looks big and not slim like the Master Chief which might make it tough to fit into a suit of armor. Another thing that interests me, is what story are they going to be telling? They can't use the video games, because then every fan will know what happens and only pay attention to the visual details of the movie. They could use the books because not everyone has read them like The Lord of the Rings movie did. But, there is still the option of telling a whole new story which could or could not add to the Halo canon. I don't know, it'll be interesting to see how this turns out.

Going in a totally different direction,

It appears that with some PS3 games, you can "install" the game onto the HDD which will cut down on the load times. I like this idea and I know the Xbox360 already does this, although it doesn't haven an OPTION that says this. It more or less does it behind scenes and doesn't interrupt the users. I capped the word 'option' because if you read the article then read the comments, you'll see people hating the idea even though it was stated as a FEATURE (READ: O.P.T.I.O.N!). Most of the commenters thought this was a required thing which meant they couldn't R.E.A.D! I hope more video game developers take advantage of the HDD being put into the PS3 and Xbox360 because what's the point of having them there? If they were just used to store the save files of video games then ALOT of space is not being used since most save files aren't big. You say to store audio and video files? No thanks, I got my PC and laptop for that. Which, by the way, has more HDD space and also the price to buy a HDD for the PC is alot cheaper compared to buying one for the Xbox360 or one for the PS3 when it becomes available. So, please developers, use the HDD to help take advantage of lowering load times. This is one thing I don't like about the PS2, but I still love it! The system that is and NOT in that way!


Until then...

P.S. It appears Microsoft may foot the bill of the Halo movie. Why didn't they just do this from the beginning? I mean Microsoft did BUY Bungie.






Extra stuff


SUCK IT!!!!!!!!!

More pics when I open it and PLAY IT!!!!!!!!!! :D

Until then...
-I'm out!


It's Official

I'm a consumer whore! :(

Until then...
-I'm out!


I'm ashamed of myself! :( Posted by Picasa

Dur!! Posted by Picasa

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