This just in...

Bowling for Columbine is a great movie. I liked it very much. I thought Michael Moore brought up good points throughout the movie and it got me wondering why America is so different from other countries when it comes to guns and death. What makes American kill more people than any other country? Some people say it's because of the entertainment children are being exposed to like rock music or video games. I remember hearing clips of different people saying Marilyn Manson. How is it Manson's fault that kids go on killing sprees? It's not like he is saying to go out and shoot people or blow up buildings. He's just an easy target for people to blame and so are video games and violent entertainment.

Some people say it's because of the history that America has, but what about Germany and Hitler? Hitler killed 6 million Jews, yet the the gun death rates are low compared to the U.S. It's CRAZY!!

I say the reason for this is the media. The media is constantly giving us bad news that is happening around the country or in our state. They aren't giving us news about a new speed bump that was just put in at Main St. or telling us something that would be important to our area. They (the media) would give us only what they want us to hear and not the whole story. It's CRAZY!!

Until then...
-It's CRAZY!!!

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