This just in...


That's right, I'm studying for a test that is on Monday. I wouldn't really call it studying, I'm reading the chapter that the test is going to be over. I started earlier this week on Monday by reading 5 sections then on Wednesday, I read another 5 sections and now it's Friday and I'm reading the last 6 sections. I have one section left to go, but meh, I prefer to blog right now. It's weird really because I feel that I will pass the test even though I haven't done any studying for it.

In other parts of my head...
I have a quiz on Monday for my English II class. It's over notes that the professor gave and I'm probably going to procrastinate on studying the notes until it's Monday morning. When I mean morning, I mean 30 minutes before the class starts. I'd probably get an F either way so, meh. The notes are over stuff about comedy like old, new, festive, tragicomedy, and other things that are related, in some way, to Shakespeare (that b*****d!).

That's enough from me.

Until then...
-Eat eggs and cheese.

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