Science ROCKS!

First UK embryo test babies born

That's cool! For anyone who doesn't know what Cystic Fibrosis is, click me.

I just hope nothing bad comes from this. You know, like parents wanting their kids to look a certain way instead of what they should have, had the embryo been left alone. I'd like to know what's bad about this. I mean the people against this, say it makes the child feel that society didn't want them to have a disease which I'm confused by. Say, a child is born with spina bifida and at first, when he's growing up, most people would treat him/her nicely. But later on, when they're older, most people would avoid them because they don't look the same as a "normal" person in society would. The only people who wouldn't treat them differently, when they're older, are the people who knew them from the beginning. Which is sad because society is suppose to be accept people for who they are yet we don't. Also, how much people are willing to accept the responsibilities of taking care of someone with a disease like spina bifida? Are you willing to spend most of your life looking after one person? Are you willing to accept all the costs (i.e. medical bills, prescriptions, etc.)?

I, personally, would like to avoid all that and have my child grow like any other child in society. I mean life is bad as is. It's only getting worst (or worse?) as time goes on and I don't want more stress to be put on my child just because they have this disease. Also, why do people care? I mean, this is A CHOICE. So, why the fuck would anyone care what someone did with their child?

Until then...
-Science ROCKS!


Yeah, that's it!


That HAS to be the most asinine shit I've ever read. What the fuck do you think you're doing suspending the kid for not answering a fucking question. You fucked him up. That's what! Good job principal!

"While looking out the window one day at school, you notice the principal flying in the air. In several paragraphs, write a story telling what happens.''

What type of fucking question is that to ask a student so you can judge his writing? Why not ask him what he did during his last summer vacation or about some family trip.

Until then...