"Here I stand alone"

Feel tired and weird today. Listening to some metal which is like my favorite genre of music now. Not really, but I do like some songs from a few metal bands. Killswitch Engage, Shadow Falls, Cradle of Filth, and others!

Took my calculus test and boy was I scared. I feel that I did good, but somehow that good goes to bad when the paper touches my hands. It's like I feel I got atleast a B, but then when the professor gives me the paper, BOOM!, it drops to a C. When I say B, I mean an actual B, not a curved B, but an actual non-curved B. I did get a B on the first test, but it was curved. C on the second, so bleh!

Bought three games today, totaling $150+ dollars. All three are worth it so I'm happy. I got Metal Gear Solid 3: Snake Eater and Need For Speed: Underground 2 for the PS2. Also picked up Metroid Prime 2: Echoes for the GC. I was also thinking of getting Baten Kaitos, but decided at the last moment not to because it would collect dust. It's not that I won't play it, but it's a RPG game.

For any non-gamers out there, RPG stands for role-playing game. RPG games usually take people 20+ hours to finish, but that's only if they play the game straight through. Usually it takes 40-50+ hours to "complete" the game maybe even more. By complete, I mean get everything and do everything possible in the game. This is one characteristic of RPG games that make them so addicting. People will progress through the game, but stop so they could do this or find secrets. Another characteristic is character leveling. The characters in the video game starts off weak and from there, you have to build them up to become stronger and beat the bosses in the game. This can take time and sometimes be tedious (depending on the game). I was playing this game called "Disgaea: Hour of Darkness." I was progressing through the game, but stopped towards the end because I want to build up my characters and do all these other things in the game. Only problem here, is that other games started to come out and that's when I just stopped playing Disgaea. I could go back, but then I would be abandoning all these games I just bought among other things. It's CRAZY!

Gotta go eat my meatball sandwich from Subway (Eat Fresh!).

Until then...
"Killswitch Engage - Rose Of Sharyn"


My friend

My friend wants to blog so I'll let him blog on my blog. IDIOT!

I have a friend who acts, talks, and walks black. But there is only one catch to this, he is white, possible the whitest person i know. Ever on earth, his nickname is white boy that is the nickname we gave him in the group since he tries to tact black all the time. I think the reason why he acts like this is the fact he has a small genitals. I think that is the biggest reason why, i also think he acts this way because he wants girls to like him. When he talks to a girl and they laugh at him he think he is amking them laugh because he is funny and cool but the fact is that they ar laughing at him because he is white. I ask the white kid to have a contest with me and the contest is to determine wjo is whiter me or him. The reason why i want this contest is the fact that he says that iam whiter then him. I do not deny the fact that iam white i just dont think it is possible to be as white as white boy. So i hope you can all write back and convince the whiteboy to partake in this contest.


"End of everything"


The link above is to a forum (aka message board) that has pictures of a Subaru WRX damaged because the person went through a house!

Moving on...

I wanted to talk about this for awhile, but haven't had the chance. I'll walk through the campus here at USF and notice that people will park in handicap spaces even though they're not handicap. This really pisses me off and I can't stand the people who do this. There's nothing that can be done because they have a handicap permit and that's it. I just wished that there were cops right there when the person gets out or gets in their cars. This way, the person would be fined and I'll have jolly good time laughing at their dumbass self. I mean really why the fuck are you doing this when you're capable of walking? Last time I checked there was nothing wrong with walking and plus it's healthy. All this really does is create more lazy ass motherfuckers in the world. How? People will wake up later and still be on time to their destination because they have that permit. Fuckers!

Speaking of lazy ass people, I saw a commercial for microwavable biscuits! WTF?! Is America getting so lazy that people can't make biscuits? I don't mean from scratch, unless you want to, but the ones that are already premade and all you have to do is put them in the oven and voila! I just think it's sad that people can't find a way enjoy time...in their home...in the morning.

Until then...
"Keane - Somewhere Only We Know"


"Rapture tastes so sweet"

*shifty eyes*

It's Thursday and I have class at 1400 hours.

*/shifty eyes*

Just felt like blogging even though I should be studying. My cell phone died on my today only because I never charged the battery for the past 2 days. It's not my fault! Yes it is, but that's not the point. I was tired for the past two days and kept falling asleep without remembering to charge it. My fat ass friend is reading this right now and he's laughing. Dumb ass! He's not really fat, I just call him fat because he was before eating Subway (Eat Fresh!). I call my other friend Lupe because it's funny. I was working yesterday and felt like calling him Lupe. That isn't his real name, but it's fun because he hates the name.

Bush won and the world is already crumpling. Just kidding! Nice of Kerry to concede and not contest the voting because then we would have another escapade like the 2000 election. I must say one thing about the election or maybe 2. One, there was a fuck-load of people voting absentee in FL. There was like 96,000 in one county and another had 94,000. That is way to fucking much. I can understand that people don't trust the electronic voting, but damn! Second, what the hell happened to the young voters. There wasn't an increase at all in the percentage that voted in the 2000 and this election. Only 17% voted this election which is FUCKING SAD after all the pushing for younger people to vote. You had celebrities, people from both parties, and just about every media that young voters pay attention to, telling them to vote yet only 17% showed up. Pathetic!

Of course, what's even more sad is that when I start going to places, I will probably hear people complain about shit when they didn't even vote. Motherfuckers don't have the right to complain unless they voted and yes, I voted! Sons-of-bitches better not complain about anything that happens to take money from their paychecks or makes them mad. Bitches!

Until then...
"lio - Rapture (Tastes So Sweet)"


"I lie perfectly still"

What does it mean when a bumper sticker says, "Question Reality?"

I was walking to my car when I saw this and thought WTF? What is there in reality that I should be questioning and if I do then would that thing exist? Like if I question about my existent and if I'm really alive then wouldn't that be weird since I "know" that I'm alive. What about a car? If I questioned the car I'm driving then would there really be a car that I'm driving or am I just floating on air and moving along at 45 miles/hour. Should I be questioning reality? Or for that matter, should anyone question reality? If so, why? I don't see the point because then you'll be wasting your life and time instead of enjoying it like most people are. Yes?

Another note, why are people asking me who I voted for? My friends, people, and just about everyone in my life. Why? It's my vote and I don't need to reveal it to anyone, but myself. I don't ever remember people asking other people who they voted for back in 2000 or any other presidential elections before that. Motherfuckers need to leave me alone.

I also want to say that everyone needs to vote by absentee. I went to vote yesterday and I stood in line for 4 fucking hours! I was doing that whole early voting bit and that shit was gay. They tell you to go vote early, yet there's a fucking massive line and so some people don't get to vote because they don't have time. My friend is one of those people. He tried twice, but there was a long line the first time and the second time, the voting place was closed. WTF? How can a voting place be closed if it's supposed to be open so people can VOTE EARLY! Fucking bullshit!

Until then...
"Story of the Year - Dive Right In"