This just in...

I ARE TEH WINNAR! Why? Because I was able to stump my english professor for a moment. Ha ha!

Moving on...
It's been a crazy week. I had two tests today and I don't know if I did good on them. I have to start researching for my english project and come up with questions. I was suppose to blog about either Prospero, Miranda, or Ariel from the Tempest last week, but I didn't realize this until I checked my class website. I'm SLOW! So I guess that makes me a slow winnar.

Moving on...
I don't know what to really do my english project on. It has to do something with 'The Tempest' but I don't know which one I want to do. My first choice is to see what is Ariel's sexuality. Like if Ariel is really a male or female. My second choice is to look at Prospero as a play writer. I like the Ariel topic better, but I don't think I would be able to support my thesis or find enough info on this topic. AARRGGHH!!

Until then...


This just in...

I just found this and thought it was funny!

1. Verbs has to agree with their subjects.

2. Prepositions are not words to end sentences with.

3. And don't start a sentence with a conjunction.

4. It is wrong to ever split an infinitive.

5. Avoid cliches like the plague. (They're old hat).

6. Always avoid annoying alliteration.

7. Be more or less specific.

8. Parenthetical remarks (however relevant) are (usually) unnecessary.

9. Also, too, never, ever use repetitive redundancies.

10. No sentence fragments. No comma splices, run-ons are bad too.

11. Contractions aren't helpful and shouldn't be used.

12. Foreign words and phrases are not apropos.

13. Do not be redundant; do not use more words than necessary; it's highly superfluous.

14. One should never generalize.

15. Comparisons are as bad as cliches.

16. Don't use no double negatives.

17. Eschew ampersands & abbreviations, etc.

18. One-word sentences? Eliminate.

19. Analogies in writing are like feathers on a snake.

20. The passive voice is to be ignored.

21. Eliminate commas, that are, not necessary. Parenthetical words however should be enclosed in commas.

22. Never use a big word when a diminutive one would suffice.

23. Kill all exclamation points!!!!

24. Use words correctly, irregardless of how others use them.

25. Understatement is probably not the best way to propose earth shattering ideas.

26. Use the apostrophe in it's proper place and omit it when its not needed.

27. As Ralph Waldo Emerson said, "I hate quotations. Tell me what you know."

28. If you've heard it once, you've heard it a thousand times: resist hyperbole; not one writer in a million can use it correctly.

29. Puns are for children, not groan readers.

30. Go around the barn at high noon to avoid colloquialisms.

31. Even if a mixed metaphor sings, it should be derailed.

32. Who needs rhetorical questions?

33. Exaggeration is a million times worse than understatement.

34. Proofread carefully to see if you any words out.

Until then...
-Did you get it?


This just in...

I don't know what to do for my english paper. That sounded weird. Oh well, I have this english paper that has to be about the book 'The Tempest' by William Shakespeare (b*****d!). It isn't about the book, but about stuff in the book. I'm suppose to come up with topics, but I don't know of any good topics. My professor gave the class some ideas to choose from and I like one of them, but I don't know if I want to do that one. I was thinking of doing something that involves Ariel and whether the spirit is a guy or a girl. I read some people say Ariel is a guy because of the way Prospero refers to "it", but then I read some people say Ariel is a girl because...because...I forgot . It doesn't matter because if I do do that topic then I'll research it.

I'm also thinking about doing something on Caliban like how he can be a non-sensitive character, but then have a line or saying that changes how people look at him. My professor mentioned something about this which is what got me to think about doing this topic. I was also thinking of cross-referencing Caliban with other characters in Shakespeare's plays to see if there are any similarities and differences. But this would take too much work as I haven't read that many plays by Shakespeare. The only ones I've read are The Tempest, Romeo and Juliet, and that's it, I think. I was suppose to read Much Ado About Nothing my senior year of high school, but my teacher never had the time to assign it. So that's it.

Until then...
-Shakespeare (B*****D!).


This just in...


In other parts of my head...
It isn't possible to compare drowning with drugs! I saw a commercial that shows one person drowning and another person standing on a pier, in front of the person drowning. The person standing isn't doing anything, but watching the person drown even though they're calling for help. The commercial then goes on to say "Wouldn't you help a friend in need." It then shows the word 'friendship' and under friendship are the words 'The Anti-Drug'. This commercial is f***ing retarded.

It isn't possible to compare drowning and drugs because everyone knows that if their friend is drowning then they'll go save them or get help. For drugs though, a friend can get their friends help, but that won't always stop the friend from doing drugs or drinking alcohol. What a f***ing stupid commercial!

Until then...


This just in...

Bowling for Columbine is a great movie. I liked it very much. I thought Michael Moore brought up good points throughout the movie and it got me wondering why America is so different from other countries when it comes to guns and death. What makes American kill more people than any other country? Some people say it's because of the entertainment children are being exposed to like rock music or video games. I remember hearing clips of different people saying Marilyn Manson. How is it Manson's fault that kids go on killing sprees? It's not like he is saying to go out and shoot people or blow up buildings. He's just an easy target for people to blame and so are video games and violent entertainment.

Some people say it's because of the history that America has, but what about Germany and Hitler? Hitler killed 6 million Jews, yet the the gun death rates are low compared to the U.S. It's CRAZY!!

I say the reason for this is the media. The media is constantly giving us bad news that is happening around the country or in our state. They aren't giving us news about a new speed bump that was just put in at Main St. or telling us something that would be important to our area. They (the media) would give us only what they want us to hear and not the whole story. It's CRAZY!!

Until then...
-It's CRAZY!!!


This just in...


That's right, I'm studying for a test that is on Monday. I wouldn't really call it studying, I'm reading the chapter that the test is going to be over. I started earlier this week on Monday by reading 5 sections then on Wednesday, I read another 5 sections and now it's Friday and I'm reading the last 6 sections. I have one section left to go, but meh, I prefer to blog right now. It's weird really because I feel that I will pass the test even though I haven't done any studying for it.

In other parts of my head...
I have a quiz on Monday for my English II class. It's over notes that the professor gave and I'm probably going to procrastinate on studying the notes until it's Monday morning. When I mean morning, I mean 30 minutes before the class starts. I'd probably get an F either way so, meh. The notes are over stuff about comedy like old, new, festive, tragicomedy, and other things that are related, in some way, to Shakespeare (that b*****d!).

That's enough from me.

Until then...
-Eat eggs and cheese.


This just in...

To continue on with my thoughts about the 14-year old girl being accepted to a Ph.D. program at Drexel University. I would assume that she's doing this to further her knowledge and help out the world of technology. What I don't get is why do it at the age of 14? Why not spend some time with friends? Maybe go and do something that interests her unless she has already done everything that interests her, which would make me blow a gasket like this:

Of course I wouldn't burn up like that, unless I can?
So, she's 14 and entering a Ph.D. program. I would think that if you're that smart then you would maybe just take it easy with life. I know I would, but that's me and everyone's different. How will she have a family or a life if she's going to be a doctor at only the age of maybe 18? That is nuts and I just can't imagine. Maybe I can't imagine it because I'm super-piss at people like her who are able to cruise through school while I bust my butt just to barely make a passing grade. Anyways, it's her choice and I hope she enjoys it and if not then like Patricia said:

she'll end up psycho.

Either way enjoy it!

Until then...
-I peed my pants!


This just in...

I'm one hell of a unproductive person. It kind of sucks really, but what do you expect from Teh Procrastinator?

Anyways, that's my life and now to move on to other stuff.

I finished my two scene summaries for The Tempest. It wasn't as bad as I thought it would be, but it sure did bore the crap out of me. Besides having been bored, I read an article about a 14-year old girl who got accepted into a Ph.D. program at Drexel University. Now, why the f**k would she want to be there at the age of 14? I know that's her choice, but doesn't she want to be around friends or does she have any? In any case, I'll continue more of my thoughts on this and the article can be found by clicking on the link.

Also, I've changed my blog to only show one post at a time, so look at the archives for any previous posts.

Until then...
-I procrastinate!


This just in...

My scene summary of Act 5 Scene 1.

Prospero has a conversation with Ariel that leads him to have Ariel bring to him Alonso, Gonzalo, and Sebastian. Alonso, Gonzalo, and Sebastian are forgiven by Prospero for all the bad things they have done to him. Prospero then has Ariel take off his magic robe to show the real Duke of Milan to Alonso, Gonzalo, and Sebastian. Alonso doesn't believe this and a conversation ensues. Prospero then has Ferdinand and Miranda show up in front of all four people. The Master and Boatswain then enter and says that their ships are fixed, but they don't know how even though it was Ariel who did it. Ariel then goes away and brings back Stephano, Trinculo, and Caliban. Prospero then explains, to eveyrone, what the three were trying to do earlier to him. Prospero forgives Caliban and sends him away and Alonso tells Stephano and Trinculo to give back the wardrobe. Prospero then sends everyone to his cell so they can get some sleep and freed Ariel.

Until then...
-Teh End!
This just in...

My scene summary for Act 4 Scene 1. Yay!

Before Prospero's cell: Prospero says that he will give Miranda away to Ferdinand and that he can marry her, but if Ferdinand has sex with Miranda before marriage then hate will fall on Ferdinand. Prospero then calls on his servant Ariel and have some spirits perform in front of him, Ferdinand, and Miranda. Prospero then changes his mind and begins to think about Caliban. As Stephano, Caliban, and Trinculo enter before the cell, Prospero and Ariel are there too, but they're invisible and listening to the conversation. The three talk about killing Prospero, but before they do, Stephano and Trinculo steals Prospero's wardrobe, but Caliban doesn't take part in the stealing. Spirits then enter, shaped like dogs and chasing Stephano, Caliban, and Trinculo away and then capturing them.

Until then...
-1 down, 1 more to go!
This just in...

It's been a week since I blogged and I'm suppose to blog 3-4 times a week. So I have some catching up to do, but that's okay I had Subway. I'm also suppose to blog about Acts 4 and 5 of The Tempest by Shakespeare. I haven't even read any of it and I'm pretty screwed unless I have some super psychic powers that will allow me to look at one word and boom! I have read the entire book or I could try to make myself have osmosis that way I'll just lay my head on the book and I'm done. None of that is happening which sucks, but it's all gravy. I'll find a way to make it work, I hope. I'll also find a way to catch up to my blogging by posting two posts that are about Acts 4 and 5, another two posts about movies, and some stuff that I found on the internet that aren't about nothing. I think that's it for now, so excuse me while I procrastinate and play video games.

Until then...
-Procrastinate NOW!