This just in...

I'm one hell of a unproductive person. It kind of sucks really, but what do you expect from Teh Procrastinator?

Anyways, that's my life and now to move on to other stuff.

I finished my two scene summaries for The Tempest. It wasn't as bad as I thought it would be, but it sure did bore the crap out of me. Besides having been bored, I read an article about a 14-year old girl who got accepted into a Ph.D. program at Drexel University. Now, why the f**k would she want to be there at the age of 14? I know that's her choice, but doesn't she want to be around friends or does she have any? In any case, I'll continue more of my thoughts on this and the article can be found by clicking on the link.

Also, I've changed my blog to only show one post at a time, so look at the archives for any previous posts.

Until then...
-I procrastinate!

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