This just in...

It's Friday and that means no relaxation whatsoever. I have homework for Comp. II, but it's easy, I think. I could tomorrow or tonight, but tonight ain't happening. I can't do it Sunday because I'm going with my friends to their friends house for a Super Bowl BBQ. So, my weekend is full and I don't think I have time for relaxation unless of course I feel like not turning in work at all.

In other news, I just watched at movie titled "Ran." It's pronounced Ron (like the name) and not ran. It's directed by Akira Kurosawa, who also directed "The Seven Samurai" and many more foreign films, and the movie is Kurosawa's reinterpretation of Shakespeare's King Lear. So, for anyone who has read King Lear then you should get the idea of what this movie is about, if not read on. Instead of being set in Europe, it's set in 16th century Japan and Lord Hideotora wants to step down and divide his land to his three sons. The two older sons, Taro and Jiro, flatters their father, but the youngest, Saburo, speaks the truth to his father because he loves him and gets disowned. Taro and Jiro starts to take over the land and get rid of any power their father has left. This leads to Hideotora being driven out of both castles that his sons occupy.

Meanwhile, Saburo is in alliance with Lord Fujimaki and has sent a spy to make sure his father is protected. There's this huge battle where the two older sons gang up on their father and kills every warrior that's protecting their father, but Taro dies in the battle. Realizing what's happening, Hideotora tries to kill himself, but can't and this leads him to go insane and roam the lands of Japan with his loyal vassal following him. Jiro is now the sole ruler of the land that his father once owned and is living in the castle that Taro had just been living in. Taro's wife, Lady Kaede, is now seducing Jiro, who is already married, to be her husband because her family once owned the same castle, but they were killed and now she wants vegenance. She wants to be the wife of Jiro, but can't because of his other wife, Sue, so this leads to Lady Kaede controlling Jiro and telling him to have Sue killed. Jiro tells Kurogane, a general, to do the job and he comes back with this wrapped ball-shape object. When Lady Kaede unwraps the object, it reveals to be a head of a wolf statue covered in salt. This is a funny scene that has to be watched.

Meanwhile, the spy that was sent by Saburo goes and tells Saburo about his father's conditions. This leads to a search that gets the attention of Jiro. Jiro prepares for battle while his generals are advising against it, he doesn't listen and before he leaves Lady Kaede wants to talk to him. She controls/seduces him to kill his father by having assasins follow Saburo when he goes and search for his father. At the battle scene, Saburo is there waiting till dark to go search for his father, but Hideotora's vassal lost him and this leads to Saburo having to leave in the day and Jiro sending his men after him. A battle ensues between Jiro's men and Saburo's men with two other armies watching the battle. One army who's lead by Lord Ayabe, a friend of Lord Hideotora, and the other by Lord Fujimaki, another friend of Lord Hideotora. Both of these lords also want to own the land. A messenger from Jiro's castle tells him that Lord Ayabe is moving towards his castle, but that's impossible because Ayabe's troops are watching the battle or are they? The troops are a DECOY and Jiro falls back to his castle. Kurogane knows that this was the doing of Lady Kaede so he confronts her and she reveals her plan of wanting to burn the castle down and destroying the Ichimonji's (last name of Hideotora, Taro, Jiro, and Saburo) kingdom. This is a f**king cool scene that shows Kurogane silicing Lady Kaede and the blood just shoots out and covers the wall behind her in red.

While all of that is happening, Saburo finds his father, but is killed by Jiro's men, which leads to death of the father. In the end, there's another battle that isn't big, but it leads to the death of Jiro. I really enjoyed the movie because there were twists, a nice plot, a gory scene, good acting, couple of funny scenes, and best of all...it contained SAMURAIS!

I suggest everyone watch this movie.

Until then...
-I'm happy!


This just in...

A white boy is kicked out of school for putting up posters that asks for support of him to receive the school's "Distinguished African-American Student" award. Here's the kicker, he's from South Africa! That makes him a African-American, but of course he gets denied because it's suppose to be only for "African-Americans" aka black students. What a bunch of s**t that he can't get the award even though it's for African-American students. I mean if they wanted the award to go to black students then why not use the word black or negro.

In other news, a man goes on a "McDiet" which consists of eating McDonalds food 3 times a day for 30 days. The results, a really f***ked up body. His liver was like paste and his face got all f**ked up.

In other other news, teens who were sued by the RIAA are going to appear in a Pepsi commercial that will be aired during the Super Bowl. It's to promote a two month offer of up to 100 million free and legal music download from Apple's iTunes.

Now to report some disturbing news. In Japan, children who gets good grades are allowed to have sex with their mothers. Not sex sex, but oral sex and if not that then just nudity. Not every family does this, but there are a few families that does this. It's quite disturbing really, I don't know how any mother can do that, but hey it's their choice. I'll leave it at that and if you have time, read the article.

Links for all of the stories posted can be found on the right side of the page under the "Article" heading.

Until then...
-I'm Disturbed.


This just in...

I have three tests this week that are back to back. I had my Chemistry test this morning. It wasn't a hard test, but I didn't get a 100%. I have my Precalculus Trigonometry test tomorrow, which is what I'm studying for right now. Well not right now since I'm blogging, but after I finish blogging. I then have my Precalculus Algebra test on Wednesday, which is no fun because I have to study. Blah. I will then be finished with the tests for this week, of course I have a quiz on Friday for my english class and it'll be over a reading titled "Logic Fallacies" or something close to that. I also have to start researching my topic for the next project in english. Wow, this week just sucks right now. If I'm not doing this then I'm doing this. Blah. I also have to turn in this current event paper to my Chemistry teacher by the 30th. I think that's it for now, I think.

Until then...


This just in...

A Canandian man was able to patent a way of making hydrogen fuel. This pisses me off because the man never graduated from high school and now he might become a freaking millionaire or possibly billionaire. I just hate how people are able to stumble upon ideas, become millionaires, and not even graduate from high school or college.

To read the story, click on the link "Hydrogen Fuel" under the Article heading that is on the right.

Until then...
-I am mad!


It's Thursday and that means that I have one more day of classes! Of course one of them is Composition II and I have report that is due...tomorrow. I finished most of it, just have to add a few things and I'm done. I can then rejoice in knowing that I don't have another report for a few weeks. :)

I would like to point out an article I read about Microsoft suing a person who's name sounds like Microsoft. It's titled Mikerowesoft under the article heading. I think the person is trying to get some money out of MS, even though he's trying to keep his domain. I think this because of how he wants $10,000 to give up the name. Why not just ask for $5,000 or $1,000? Why $10,000? It will be something that I will never understand and I mean NEVER!

In more important news, I finally added a comment to my blog coutesy of CommentThis! I've also started adding other people's blog to my site because my teacher said we should. We didn't have to, but it was suggested. So, whatever. I'm done.

Until then...
-I like the mooing of cows!


I'm back and still feeling like sh*t.

So I emailed my teacher asking about what I should do with the QS that I mentioned in the post below. Here's her response:

Yes, that would be all you have to go on. If you have no experiences
relevant to stem cell research, consider whether that is an appropriate
topic for you. What's your field of study? If it's not relevant to your
chosen field, why bother? The other topic sounds like it might be more

I know that stem cell research isn't even remotely close to my field of study (Computer Science), but I still think it would be something cool to research on and take a stand on it. I might just forget the idea since there are probably better things to take a stand on that is related to my field of study. I don't know what, but they're out there. I might do it on violence in video games, but there's a chance of my feelings getting mixed into the paper and that's not a good i-freaking-dea. Anyways, I'm off to go do some research, finish a certain english paper, and do some homework for my other classes.

Until then...
-I like goats!
I feel like sh*t. I don't know what I'm doing right now and my brain is all f***ed. I have all this stuff for Composition II that I just don't want to do at all. I have to do a Question Strategy for a topic of my choice. I'm torn between violence in video games and stem cell research. I like video games alot and I feel that the violence in video games don't lead to violence in real-life. On the other hand, I think stem cell is interesting and it could be a nice topic to do research on. The problem I have with stem cell research is that I haven't had any experience with it and I don't know what I would put under the 'Experience' header for the QS. You see the QS is broken down into 4 catergories: you have Experience, Values, Cultural Influences, and Dissonance.

I'll post more later when I don't feel like sh*t.

Until then...
-I like cheese!


This just in...

I'm tired and mad because my first blog that I signed up for won't let me log in. I don't know why, but it just won't. Maybe it's because I didn't type in the right password, if that's the case then I must have changed my password when I wasn't awake. That or I don't remember the real password. Whatever the case may be, I have a new one now and I hope that it is alot better than my first one. Besides being mad, I'm also tired because I was fiddling around with this new one and trying to get it to work with my FTP server. It was a long and difficult process, but I was happy when I got everything working. Hopefully I don't run into anymore problems or I will snap.

Until then...
-I'm tired.