I'm back and still feeling like sh*t.

So I emailed my teacher asking about what I should do with the QS that I mentioned in the post below. Here's her response:

Yes, that would be all you have to go on. If you have no experiences
relevant to stem cell research, consider whether that is an appropriate
topic for you. What's your field of study? If it's not relevant to your
chosen field, why bother? The other topic sounds like it might be more

I know that stem cell research isn't even remotely close to my field of study (Computer Science), but I still think it would be something cool to research on and take a stand on it. I might just forget the idea since there are probably better things to take a stand on that is related to my field of study. I don't know what, but they're out there. I might do it on violence in video games, but there's a chance of my feelings getting mixed into the paper and that's not a good i-freaking-dea. Anyways, I'm off to go do some research, finish a certain english paper, and do some homework for my other classes.

Until then...
-I like goats!

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