This just in...

Element of Pop Culture: Pornography

Reaction #2

To continue from my first reaction, if it wasn't for Playboy then everyone would be dressing all conservatively and never experience the pleasures from sex or masturbation. Masturbation is something that everyone should be doing because there have been reports that show it may help improve health and cut the risk of cancer. As the following links show, masturbation is a good thing; link 1, link 2, link 3.

There's one thing I don't get when it comes to pornography and that's the women against it. I'm talking about women rights activist and the like. They're always preaching that women are being objectified by men, yet they know that women are also doing the exact same thing when looking at men. Women Rights activist feel that pornography is wrong and that women are degrading themselves for doing it, but what about the men? Like this reading shows, reading, there have been recent films where the male is naked, yet not one women says anything. I don't hear the women fighting for the men or saying that men are also degrading themselves. Why is that? Is it because men have been the dominate sex for most of history? I don't know the answer, but maybe these two organizations do know the answer; organization 1, organization 2.

I would like to also say that if it wasn't for Playboy and pornography, then no man or woman on this planet would have been able to see their favorite movie stars naked/half-naked. Every man would be wondering how hot Angelina Jolie looks without all the clothes and every woman would be how sexy and muscular Brad Pitt or The Rock looks. I remember seeing the movie, xXx, and when they showed Vin Diesel half-naked with all his muscles showing, every female in that theater began to shout and whistle. Now, if idea of showing half-naked men had never been discovered/thought of then there would be almost no females in that theater! If there wasn't a change on the views of sexuality then there wouldn't be men magazines like FHM, Maxim, and Stuff.

Pornography has helped to changed American society's view of sexuality. If there wasn't such a thing as pornography, then there wouldn't be shows like Sex in the City or The O.C.. There wouldn't be magazines that have sexual innuendos and have tips that could help someone have a better sex life. There also wouldn't be any knowledged and information on what is HIV/AIDS because people wouldn't have been having crazy sex and they would have never known about it. Alot of people would have died never experiencing the pleasures of sex or masturbation. I'm thankful for pornography, aren't you?

Until then...
-Masturbator's of America UNITE!

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