This just in...

To continue on with my thoughts about the 14-year old girl being accepted to a Ph.D. program at Drexel University. I would assume that she's doing this to further her knowledge and help out the world of technology. What I don't get is why do it at the age of 14? Why not spend some time with friends? Maybe go and do something that interests her unless she has already done everything that interests her, which would make me blow a gasket like this:

Of course I wouldn't burn up like that, unless I can?
So, she's 14 and entering a Ph.D. program. I would think that if you're that smart then you would maybe just take it easy with life. I know I would, but that's me and everyone's different. How will she have a family or a life if she's going to be a doctor at only the age of maybe 18? That is nuts and I just can't imagine. Maybe I can't imagine it because I'm super-piss at people like her who are able to cruise through school while I bust my butt just to barely make a passing grade. Anyways, it's her choice and I hope she enjoys it and if not then like Patricia said:

she'll end up psycho.

Either way enjoy it!

Until then...
-I peed my pants!

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