Feel Good Inc.

Life is peachy! Last week of school excluding exam week, but that doesn't matter because I only have one exam. I wouldn't really call it an exam because it's the 4th test out of 4 required tests. Still happy though because no more school...for a week! I'll probably attend summer school which sucks, but I would like to graduate close to what I was suppose to.

I don't like my mp3 collection?!? I have alot of mp3s, but I rarely listen to all of them. If a song comes on and I don't know it, I'll just skip it and go on to a song I know.

Sucks to be in Florida right now. No, it's not because of weather (which is nice), but because of all the news about kids being kidnapped and other things.

I hate work!

Saw one of the coolest movies ever. Kung-Fu Hustle! It's a good movie to watch if you want something new. It doesn't have suspense or anything like that. It's just straight up kung-fu fighting and crazy special effects. It goes beyond reality when there's action. There's a scene when two people are running, instead of just seeing their legs move, you see their legs moving like the RoadRunner. It's just their upper-body and blurry circles under the upper body that you see. You'll also see people flying 20 feet in every direction when they get punched or kicked. I LOVE it!

Until then...
-Demon Days (26.5.2005)






Insecurity in the air



Onto a totally different subject:

My reaction to this article: ...

Moving on...
I hate myself? Not sure what that means, but it's there somewhere between the three words.

I suck at pumping gas! Not really, it was the gas pump itself. Bastard! Made me mad and befuddled. Gas station owner thought my gas was full! Why the hell would I pump gas if my tank was full? Idiot!

I have no common sense whatsoever! Finally realized this yesterday after looking back on my past experiences in life that involved common sense.

I laugh at stupid things! That's my kind of humor! Stupid things!

Ever thought about changing who you are to somebody else? I have; many times too! Of course, I then realized that my life would suck because I wouldn't have met all these cool friends I have.

Will I ever enjoy life? I don't know, but that's what a psychic is for. Where'e a psychic when I need one!?

Which leads me to wanting psychic powers. Like telekinesis or telepathy. Maybe mind reading? Or better yet, spider-sense! That way I could avoid all the dangers in my life, but then that would suck because a part of life is about experiencing the dangers presented to us. To test us at our highest and lowest points. To see what we will do; will you run or stay and kick ass (or get your ass kicked >_>)!

Built a legacy yet? I haven't but, it would be cool to let my descendents know that great great grandpa was whooping ass as a ninja fighting, kung fu hamburger throwing, judo milk shake loving...computer engineer!

Until then...
-Man dater!


Cancel the subscription!

I have my own issues!

I really need to get stuff off my chest; that's why this blog is here. I'm not going to actually reveal my issues, obviously, but just need to let stuff out or else it's repressed. Not that it matters, since I've been bottling things up in my life and never really let any of it out. >_>

What's this? A fried chicken wing under my computer table! It still looks fresh!

I'm not a funny person. Realized this a long time ago, but don't care.

Ever zoned out, but at the same time talk to people?

Good at anything? I'm not! Just someone borned into this world for no reason. Travelling through life as I'm told by the world/media/friends/family/etc. Never knowing what I'm really doing here and TRYING to enjoy LIFE!

Crappy feelings in me and no good way to completely change it. Usually passes through me over time, but will always be there for me to remember and reflect. This leads me back to said crappy feelings. I call it "Wonderful Cycle"

Just wanna begin life and never look back. Will take forever and lots of will power.

Listening to a song that makes me want to cry. Should stop listening to it, but can't! Too good of a song!

Have feelings for this girl, yet no way of expressing them. Unless, I have feelings of becoming a stalker/perv/freak/loser. No escaping it!

I'm finished now. Thanks for reading.

Until then...


Wrong side of bed

Felt completely tired when I woke up. Barely had any energy and just laid in bed for an extra 7 minutes. That was fun, until I got up then it sucked.

It's amazing how time flies. I was there in bed and it was 6:04 AM and Chevelle - The Clincher came on the radio. I listened through most of it, but stopped to get up. Anyways, when I went to check the clock it was 6:07 AM! Somehow 3 minutes just blew by me like wind. I couldn't believe it. It kinda scared me.

Enough of that and more about bands I'm finding. I like the band "The Honorary Title." Just listened to their song "Bridge and Tunnel" and love it. I also love Eisley! Been listening to their album "Room Noises" for the past few days and totally love it. They have their slow songs and also their fast songs. Of course, I wouldn't call their fast songs "fast," but more upbeat than some of their other songs.

Then there's the band, Kasabian. I haven't heard the album yet, but I do like the song 'Clubfoot'.

There's also the band, The Postal Service. If you don't know them, then watch the ABC channel and wait until you see a commercial for 'Grey's Anatomy'. The music you hear in the background is them. I didn't know it was them until I started searching for it. I already knew about The Postal Service and heard that song, but I didn't listen to the song that much. When the heard the song again, I had to find out who it was. Took me awhile, but I tracked it down and found it. Yay!

Until then...
-Cow says meow!