"I could care less"

The past few days have been exciting. I went to see two movies with my friends and that's it. That's the exciting part. The part I didn't mention is how crappy it was at the same time. The thing that got the "ball of crapness" rolling was the fact that USF lost to Southern Miss. I didn't watch the whole game, but it was crap because they lost by 7 points. The second thing that continued this rolling crapness was that my Raiders lost to the TEXANS! This made me sad to no end. I just couldn't believe that the Raiders were able to lose to the Texans and by as much as 13 points! Jesus H. Christ! That was a horrible game for them.

Of course, a bright side to this is that they have a better record than the Buccaneers or should I say Succaneers? I mean damn! Every since Gruden came on as head coach, they've just declined from what they used to be. I'll give them the fact that they were able to win the Super Bowl, but after that, complete and utter destruction. Just sad.

The final thing that crapped on the "ball of crapness" was a report that was due today. I spent most of yesterday typing it up, but it still sucked. It wasn't technically due because it was optional like every report in the class, but I felt it would be easy to type this paper up and boy was I wrong. I feel the paper wasn't bad, but the conclusion just went off the deep end. I didn't even know what the fuck I was typing by the time I finished. I just didn't care.

So, how do you fare againt my past few days? Good? Same? Worst (or is it worse)?

Until then...
"Devildriver - I Could Care Less"

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