This just in...

Ah! The feeling of summer break. I'm done with school for 4 months and it's back to the books, but before then I'll be enjoying my break. I'll be mostly working and if not that then just relaxing at home. Yay!

Until then...
-Summer Break.


This just in...

Element of Pop Culture: Pornography

Reaction #2

To continue from my first reaction, if it wasn't for Playboy then everyone would be dressing all conservatively and never experience the pleasures from sex or masturbation. Masturbation is something that everyone should be doing because there have been reports that show it may help improve health and cut the risk of cancer. As the following links show, masturbation is a good thing; link 1, link 2, link 3.

There's one thing I don't get when it comes to pornography and that's the women against it. I'm talking about women rights activist and the like. They're always preaching that women are being objectified by men, yet they know that women are also doing the exact same thing when looking at men. Women Rights activist feel that pornography is wrong and that women are degrading themselves for doing it, but what about the men? Like this reading shows, reading, there have been recent films where the male is naked, yet not one women says anything. I don't hear the women fighting for the men or saying that men are also degrading themselves. Why is that? Is it because men have been the dominate sex for most of history? I don't know the answer, but maybe these two organizations do know the answer; organization 1, organization 2.

I would like to also say that if it wasn't for Playboy and pornography, then no man or woman on this planet would have been able to see their favorite movie stars naked/half-naked. Every man would be wondering how hot Angelina Jolie looks without all the clothes and every woman would be how sexy and muscular Brad Pitt or The Rock looks. I remember seeing the movie, xXx, and when they showed Vin Diesel half-naked with all his muscles showing, every female in that theater began to shout and whistle. Now, if idea of showing half-naked men had never been discovered/thought of then there would be almost no females in that theater! If there wasn't a change on the views of sexuality then there wouldn't be men magazines like FHM, Maxim, and Stuff.

Pornography has helped to changed American society's view of sexuality. If there wasn't such a thing as pornography, then there wouldn't be shows like Sex in the City or The O.C.. There wouldn't be magazines that have sexual innuendos and have tips that could help someone have a better sex life. There also wouldn't be any knowledged and information on what is HIV/AIDS because people wouldn't have been having crazy sex and they would have never known about it. Alot of people would have died never experiencing the pleasures of sex or masturbation. I'm thankful for pornography, aren't you?

Until then...
-Masturbator's of America UNITE!
This just in...

Element of Pop Culture: Pornography

Reaction #1

Is pornography a crime that has no victims? According to this article, Link, done by Laurie Hall, it is. I agree with her, but only if the person takes pornography to an extreme. I personally believe that porn is not a crime unless the individual makes it into a crime. By this, I mean that a man or woman would neglect their relationship/marriage just for porn or to a real extreme, someone willing to kill. I haven't heard of anyone killing someone else for porn, but there's a chance that it may happen since there's those few people who have problems in the head. Anyways, Hall makes a mention of sex being linked with fear, violence, and shame if it's portrayed and viewed that way by an individual. I find this totally stupid to say and feel that she is mixing up pornography with rape. Most pornographic movies just show the couples having sex and not having anything even remotely close to violence, putting fear into an individual, and making them feel shame. I know this because I have watched porn movies myself and if an individual does feel shame then I ask, why even watch porn? Of course, if an individual does feel bad then there's always a confession booth at church. Especially if the individual was raised in a Christian house and was taught that pornography was wrong.

Pornography does not entirely draw individuals further into the realm of fantasy. Reality and fantasy does not get mixed up by just watching porn and looking at pornographic images. It's stupid to believe this and I know, because I've seen countless pornographic movies and it hasn't affected me at all. It only affects people who do that to themselves. I have friends who subscribe to Playboy, yet they aren't completely obsess at pornography or images of naked woman. I'm not saying that there isn't people out there who are obsess who porn, but for the most part, everyone who looks at pornography is sane. I believe everyone who looks at porn is sane because of how Playboy and other magazines have changed society's view on sexuality. This article, link,, points out how Playboy magazines and the like have desensitized American society from pornographic images and how it doesn't suprise most people as it did before in the 60s and 70s.

Just because everyone is unleashing their sexuality, that doesn't mean that there's a cultural decline, in a way. Yes, people manipulate other people to get what they want, it's been done in the past and is being done now, but the blame can't be all put on pornography. Pornography have given manipulation a little more push, but what about all of these magazines (Cosmopolitan) that are being printed that have headlines that read, "How to break up." Also, what about all these internet sites that have tips on how to break up with someone like this site, link, or how about giving links like this, link. This whole thing about "losing" trust is complete and utter bull****! If everyone on this planet didn't trust each other then the world would have died! How do a guy and girl go out on a date? By having trust in the other person! If there's no trust then I wouldn't be here, anybody reading this blog would be dead and the world as everyone knows it, is gone.

Until then...
-I love porn!


This just in...

Reaction: "Illusions Are Forever" by Jay Chiat

Although advertising does force-feed the people half-real truth, it does sometimes help out the average joe when it comes to important decisions. How would a guy know to buy a diamond ring when he's getting to ask his girlfriend to marry him? It may be an obvious choice in this day and age, but what about back then when there was hardly any advertising? Most men would of probably have just bought a nice looking ring that he thinks his girlfriend would love. I do agree with the fact that advertising does blur our minds on things that are important to us like a romantic date, but I think everybody, eventually, comes up with their own ideas of what a romantic date should be. Some ideas may be a combination of things that was seen on television, movies, or music, but what about the guy who took his date to the beach at night just to watch the sun rise? This is just to prove that people can come up with things that doesn't have to follow advertising and what's this thing about chat rooms?

I don't think chat rooms allow people to misrepresent themselves. I mean it does, but I'm sure that everyone on this planet has, one time or another, thought of being different/escaping from who they really are. I think the chat rooms are there for everyone to get away from the advertisements that have been clogging their minds and let them enjoy the freedom to be what they want to be. For example, a fat man or woman wouldn't have to feel bad about their weight because of advertisement since they could just go into a chat room and be the exact opposite of what they look like. Of course, by pretending they are tricking people into thinking that they're a skinny or muscular person when they're really not, but I think that people who go into chat rooms know this and tread lightly when it comes to talking to and getting to know a person they've never seen. Which is what most people should be doing, especially when it comes to reading stuff on the internet.

I think anyone can know what's real and what's not on the internet by looking at the source. Most people who go on the internet should have common sense when it comes to reading news reports that are just posted on some website. There are official sites for all aspects of the media that can be trusted like the stock market or news stations. CNN has it's own website (Website) which is a place for people to read about the world and trust the information coming from it. Although the news websites can exaggerate stories and mislead people, just like their television counterpart, it should be known to many people that they should take everything they read on the internet with a grain of salt. I do, though, agree with Chiat that the Internet will be the savior for truth because there are endless possibilities for the truth to come from.

I don't think people will ever find their own version of what truth really is because we're all being bombarded with half-real truth by the media everyday. I'm not saying it's impossible, but it would be f***ing near impossible because of the media and I feel the only real way to find personal truth would be to get rid of all media. Either that or have everyone go live in solitude and be away from the media, this would clear their minds and allow them to find their own truth.

Until then...
-I'm blind from advertising!


This just in...

Sojourner Truth Speech

I've read it and I feel nothing. It sounds like she's talking about civil/women rights and predicting what will happen in the future. She says things that are happening in this time compared to her time. Like the part about helping women into carriages, which resembles the men of today opening the car door for their women. The other part of her not being treated like a women is also true, as some women of today are being treated badly by their boyfriends/husbands. The rest of the speech just sounds like she went off on a tangent and doesn't make any sense. The third and fourth paragraphs make no sense and it makes her sound stupid. Not that she was, but from those two paragraphs it sounds like she is. She doesn't seem to understand what intellect is and how it can help, but that's probably because she hadn't heard about it and that's why she doesn't she know anything about it or maybe she does and I'm the stupid one. I also don't understand the whole thing about Christ coming from God and a woman, it just doesn't make any sense. The last paragraph has some value to it as she's saying that women will take back their freedom they had before the men dominated, which is what happened with the women's rights movement and what not. It's kind of freaky that what she says is coming true.

Until then...


This just in...

Credit for image: http://www.loc.gov/rr/main/olympics/images.html

Seeing the Big Picture
The prominent element that attracted me to this image was a man in the air with their arms spread out. This element draws me because I would like to know why the man is in that position and what is he trying to do. I see the board in the background so I'm assuming he is a swim diver and that is why they're in that position. I would say the focal point of the image is the man in the air, because there isn't alot of things going on in the image. All there is, is a man with his arms spread out and a diving board. There is also alot of spatiality in the image. I was drawn to the man first, because of what he is doing, the white background around him, and the space around him.

Observing the Characteristics of an Image
There only objects/figures in the picture are a diving board and a man. There is something in the bottom-right corner, but there's very little of it to make out what it is. The story of the image seems to about a man who just jumped off the board and is in a diving position of some sort and falling down. The background in the image is the sky and since there is only the sky, it is impossible to the place of the picture. There is alot of spatiality in the picture and it appears that the image was taken from the ground looking up. There isn't any color because the picture is in black and white.

Interpreting the Meaning of an Image
I get a feeling of excitement and fear when looking at this image. I feel excited because I wonder how cool it would be to be in that position and just fall, which is where the feeling of fear sets in. I fear that I won't hit the pool of water or the target that I'm supposed to hit and just hit concrete. The picture creates a mood of amazement or freedom, as there is only a man with his arms spread out and falling down. This creates amazement/freedom by having space created around the man and having nothing else in the picture except for the diving board, but that can be easily ignored.

Until then...