"I’m not the man I was before"

I think my brain has gone to mush. Why?

Becuase; that's why! No, in all seriousness, I feel this way because weird stuff happens to me. Well, not happen to me, but like I think it happened to me. Today, for instance, I was walking towards the library and I felt that either time completely stopped or I just did a quick split second pause. I don't know which, but it felt weird. I can't even remember what the hell I was doing to have caused me to pause or to have time supposedly stop. I say this, because I'm sitting here trying to think about it, but the only thing that shows up is this blurry image. I don't remember if I'd yawned or not.

I also can't remember stuff that was said to me. Last month, I was working and one of my co-workers said something to me. Now fast foward a month and here I am trying to remember who said it. I'm thinking it was this other co-worker, but it wasn't so I just kept thinking about it. I finally figured out who said it, but it still took time and some brain power.

Until then...
"Three Days Grace - Wake Up"


"jumping out the second floor"

I think I have Attention Deficit Disorder or A.D.H.D. It's one of the two, not sure which one. I say "not sure" because I've heard that ADHD is ADD for adults. It makes no sense to me, but that's what I heard. I'm sure there's more to it than that, but that's what I go by.

I think I have this because of the fact that I almost always lose my train of thought. Like today, school started and I was sitting in class listening to the teacher when I looked at the clock and thought "how much longer?" At that moment I completely lost track of what the teacher was saying and went on thinking about other stuff. The only thing I can remember from that class was some funny moments and important stuff like me getting the WRONG book.

I don't actually know if I have ADD or if I just have really crappy short-term memory. Like I remember this one time when I was going to bed that I was thinking about something and when I was thinking of that something, I completely thought of something else and lost my train of thought. I tried to remember what the hell I was thinking about, but to no avail. I then said to myself "this sucks donkey balls!"

Until then...
"My Chemical Romance - I'm Not Okay (I Promise)"


"Everything isn't meant to be okay"

Are you tired of all the same reality shows and looking for a new one? I am and that's why I love this other reality show that probably doesn't have alot of attention like the other shows on TV. It's called Manor House.

The thing about this show is that there's no money involved at all and it's more or less about the people who play these roles and seeing how they deal with it. The show is about early 20th century, around 1905-1096, and how the life back then. The producers hire people that are willing to work as house maids, footman (aka bell boy + waiter + bus boy + more), and many other low paying jobs. The producers also hired a family to play as a very rich family. Everything in the show is authentic, from the cars having to cranked up to having horses pull carriages and even everyone on the show has to dress as the people dressed back then. So you'll never see anyone wearing modern clothes even though these people have modern lives.

The house was also authentic. The really cool part is that nothing was scripted. I mean, yeah every other reality show wasn't scripted either, but this show doesn't have anyone competing against each other for a cash prize. It's all about the experience. The only thing that could be considered scripted would the fact that each person involved was given a rule book to follow so that they know what the maids, butlers, and footmans did back then instead of just doing it their way. It's a really wicked show and my favorite part so far is the fact that two females have already quitted the project. I forget to mention the fact that everyone on the show is BRITISH! except for the chef, he's french.

Until then...
Green Day - American Idiot


"I just close my eyes and I’m already there"

School is almost here. Can you feel it? I can't...no really, I can't because my body's all numb from my room being so f'ing cold.