"I’m not the man I was before"

I think my brain has gone to mush. Why?

Becuase; that's why! No, in all seriousness, I feel this way because weird stuff happens to me. Well, not happen to me, but like I think it happened to me. Today, for instance, I was walking towards the library and I felt that either time completely stopped or I just did a quick split second pause. I don't know which, but it felt weird. I can't even remember what the hell I was doing to have caused me to pause or to have time supposedly stop. I say this, because I'm sitting here trying to think about it, but the only thing that shows up is this blurry image. I don't remember if I'd yawned or not.

I also can't remember stuff that was said to me. Last month, I was working and one of my co-workers said something to me. Now fast foward a month and here I am trying to remember who said it. I'm thinking it was this other co-worker, but it wasn't so I just kept thinking about it. I finally figured out who said it, but it still took time and some brain power.

Until then...
"Three Days Grace - Wake Up"

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