This just in...

A white boy is kicked out of school for putting up posters that asks for support of him to receive the school's "Distinguished African-American Student" award. Here's the kicker, he's from South Africa! That makes him a African-American, but of course he gets denied because it's suppose to be only for "African-Americans" aka black students. What a bunch of s**t that he can't get the award even though it's for African-American students. I mean if they wanted the award to go to black students then why not use the word black or negro.

In other news, a man goes on a "McDiet" which consists of eating McDonalds food 3 times a day for 30 days. The results, a really f***ked up body. His liver was like paste and his face got all f**ked up.

In other other news, teens who were sued by the RIAA are going to appear in a Pepsi commercial that will be aired during the Super Bowl. It's to promote a two month offer of up to 100 million free and legal music download from Apple's iTunes.

Now to report some disturbing news. In Japan, children who gets good grades are allowed to have sex with their mothers. Not sex sex, but oral sex and if not that then just nudity. Not every family does this, but there are a few families that does this. It's quite disturbing really, I don't know how any mother can do that, but hey it's their choice. I'll leave it at that and if you have time, read the article.

Links for all of the stories posted can be found on the right side of the page under the "Article" heading.

Until then...
-I'm Disturbed.

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