This just in...

It's been a week since I blogged and I'm suppose to blog 3-4 times a week. So I have some catching up to do, but that's okay I had Subway. I'm also suppose to blog about Acts 4 and 5 of The Tempest by Shakespeare. I haven't even read any of it and I'm pretty screwed unless I have some super psychic powers that will allow me to look at one word and boom! I have read the entire book or I could try to make myself have osmosis that way I'll just lay my head on the book and I'm done. None of that is happening which sucks, but it's all gravy. I'll find a way to make it work, I hope. I'll also find a way to catch up to my blogging by posting two posts that are about Acts 4 and 5, another two posts about movies, and some stuff that I found on the internet that aren't about nothing. I think that's it for now, so excuse me while I procrastinate and play video games.

Until then...
-Procrastinate NOW!

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