
Well it's that time again. When Mr. Rogers comes on television and invites us to be his neighbor. I say "screw it" and punch him in the face! J/K! I grew up on Mr. Rogers...poor man. Always talking to that trolly that never gave a rats ass about him. But enough about the trolly and more about monkeys throwing feces...those are some mean monkeys.

I don't know why, but I like to just say stupid(or random) stuff on my blog. Mostly random, but yeah it's fun. I guess that's because I'm trying to be funny, but apparently it's not working since I don't laughter on people's faces. Come on people, chop chop! Speaking of chop, I have a very hard time using chopsticks and I'm Asian!?

In other totally non-related news, I'm dropping one of my classes because I suck...hard! Crap-ass class, school, and spring break! Don't know about anyone else, but spring break in Florida sucked. It rained for most of the week meaning there was squat to do. I'm not a beach person, but when it rains during spring break, that's a bad thing.

I want a new car, but don't want to pay for gas. But seriously, that's besides the point and lets get back to talking about one-arm fighting chickens. Saw one of the crazy fights the other day. It involved this black-colored chicken with an eye-patch and a knife for a leg. The other chicken was all covered in blood and had a dildo as it's arm replacement. They were fighting, giving each other scars, and ramming each other's asses! Wait...that last one didn't happen, unless I imagined it happened. Question Mark!

Until then...
-One-arm chickens!

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