5 more weeks...

Or is it 4? Not sure, but when it comes I'll be freaking happy and sad. Because school will be done...at least for the summer. Then again, I have summer school. Blah!

I picked up quite a few music CDs over the past 2-3 weeks. It's crazy really, because I went to only pick up 2 CDs, but I managed to pick up 4 in one week! Ack! Anyway, onto the list of music CDs I picked up.

UnderOath - The Changing of Times
UnderOath - They're Only Chasing Safety
TRUSTcompany - True Parallels
Eisley - Room Noises (Yay and Finally!)
Senses Fail - Let It Enfold You
Strata - Strata
Death From Above 1979 - You're A Woman, I'm A Machine

All are really good albums and everyone should at least give all of them a listen.

Feel like talking more, but not sure what to say. Hey! I just got bit twice by a mosqyito. Hooray for me! Especially since I'm getting ready for bed! Wait a minute! There's more to this story. It appears that there are 3 more bites that I didn't notice. So that makes the count 5 bites from a mosquito. While on the subject, how do you guys handle mosquito bites? I use lotion. Besides that, I've also somehow taught myself not to scratch at them. Don't know how that happened, but it did. Damn! I just found two more! What the fuck! This is damn annoying! I really hate that! When the mosquito bites take forever to develop! Bastards!

On another note, I'm considering to buy a PSP! Not sure if it's a wise investment since it costs $250 dollars, but it yeah it's in my head. Usually, when a electronic/game that I can't resist gets in my head...I buy it. Sad really, but it's the truth. Anyway, I'll post pictures of it when I get it. Really sad part is that I'm a college student who really shouldn't be doing this, but am. I gotta stop doing this to myself.

Until then...
-I suck! Yes you do!

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