Ex's and Oh's

It's almost over people. Almost! One week of school to go, then finals. Ah! Can you smell that? I can! It's the smell of freedom! For a week or two! I'm taking summer school which is gay, but I have to if I want my degree. Plus, the class I'm taking is ridiculously hard, or so says the people who took it before me. Which scares me! Poop my pants scary. Seriously!

On another note, I picked up quite a few CDs in the past weeks. One of them being the new Atreyu album, A Death Grip on Yesterday. I like it so far, or at least the one song that I put on repeat. It's weak though, because there's only 9 songs and it's a little over 30 minutes. Wish there were more songs on it. Also picked up the Yeah Yeah Yeahs new album, Show Your Bones. Good album, like it as much as their first album. One thing I do like is the booklet. It doesn't have lyrics (do you need them?), but it has pictures of art stuff which is cool. Because it's all mashed together and there's so much to look at.

Until then...
-"I drink to much."

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