Lets Talk!

Can there be a world that's full of bliss and happiness? I would like to know because this one sucks...HARD!!!!!!!!

Anybody see the new iPod Nano? Thing looks SWEET!!!!!! Too bad I already have one. :(
It doesn't matter because I don't think I can live on just 1,000 songs. My music library is always growing and a 4GB iPod could never contain it. That's why I got a 40GB iPod and boy do I love it. Too bad the battery is going to shit! It still has juice, but it scares me that one day the battery will just crap out on me and I'll be lonely. :(

Ever been ripped off by mechanics? I will be since I just blew one of my tires. Which forces me to buy two new tires and having them rotated. That's about $200+ down the hole. Damn it!

Ever tried being calm even though things constantly piss you off? I tried, but failed.

One thing I did not know. Apparently, when taking an art class to pass your graduation requirement, you're also taking a english class. What teacher forces their students to write correctly when responding to art and marking points off for punctuation, grammar, and spelling. That's just GAY!!!

I want to upgrade my computer, but can't. I have a 17 in. monitor, but I want to upgrade to a 24 in. monitor. Or if possible, a 30/32 in. monitor. If anyone's willing to buy me one, let me know please. Thanks!

Until then...
-"I've fellated myself" : Breaking Benjamin

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